Yumi's Blog

Learn the Carlini and Wagner's adversarial attack - MNIST


Deep neural networks (DNN) have become increasingly effective at many difficult machine-learning tasks. However, DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial examples that are maliciously made to misguide the DNN's performance. The vulnerability may make it difficult to apply the DNNs to security sensitive usecases. In this blog, we learn one of the most successful adversarial attack proposed in the paper "Toward Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Network".

This script assume that you already cloned Author's github repository: carlini/nn_robust_attacks.


Prepare data

The images are rescaled to range between 0 and 1 for training.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from keras.datasets import mnist as data_keras
#from keras.datasets import fashion_mnist as data_keras
from keras.utils import to_categorical

(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = data_keras.load_data()
x_train = x_train[...,np.newaxis] /255.0
x_test = x_test[...,np.newaxis] / 255.0
y_train = to_categorical(y_train)
y_test = to_categorical(y_test)

Using TensorFlow backend.
(60000, 28, 28, 1) (60000, 10) (10000, 28, 28, 1) (10000, 10)

Define and Train DNN Model

Here I define a simple DNN model under tensorflow session. The session object is necessary later in defining adversarial attack object. Note that my training is taking time because my computation is in CPU environment.

In [2]:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D
from keras.optimizers import SGD
def standardCNN():
    params = [32, 32, 64, 64, 200, 200]
    model = Sequential()

    model.add(Conv2D(params[0], (3, 3),
    model.add(Conv2D(params[1], (3, 3)))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

    model.add(Conv2D(params[2], (3, 3)))
    model.add(Conv2D(params[3], (3, 3)))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

    sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)

## session will be necessary in adversarial example
import tensorflow as tf
import keras.backend as K
from keras.models import load_model
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto())

training  = False
modelname = "models/trained_model"
if training:
    model_keras = standardCNN()

    batch_size = 64
    model_keras.fit(x_train, y_train,
                   validation_data=(x_test, y_test),

    model_keras = load_model(modelname)
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)            (None, 26, 26, 32)        320       
activation_1 (Activation)    (None, 26, 26, 32)        0         
conv2d_2 (Conv2D)            (None, 24, 24, 32)        9248      
activation_2 (Activation)    (None, 24, 24, 32)        0         
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2 (None, 12, 12, 32)        0         
conv2d_3 (Conv2D)            (None, 10, 10, 64)        18496     
activation_3 (Activation)    (None, 10, 10, 64)        0         
conv2d_4 (Conv2D)            (None, 8, 8, 64)          36928     
activation_4 (Activation)    (None, 8, 8, 64)          0         
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2 (None, 4, 4, 64)          0         
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 200)               205000    
activation_5 (Activation)    (None, 200)               0         
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 200)               0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 200)               40200     
activation_6 (Activation)    (None, 200)               0         
dense_3 (Dense)              (None, 10)                2010      
activation_7 (Activation)    (None, 10)                0         
Total params: 312,202
Trainable params: 312,202
Non-trainable params: 0

Evaluate the model performance on clean data

Let's check the model's classification performance on regular image (non-adversarial).

In [3]:
scores =model_keras.evaluate(x_test,y_test)
print("loss={}, accuracy={}".format(*scores))
10000/10000 [==============================] - 114s 11ms/step
loss=0.023593548323873892, accuracy=0.9938

Carlini and Wagner's adversarial attack

First, we will review the CW's adversarial attack. Let:

  • $x \in [0,1]^n$ image
  • $\delta \in [0,1]^n$ noise

CW finds the adversarial instance by finding the smallest noise $\delta \in R^{n \textrm{x} n}$ added to an image $x$ that will change the classification to a class $t$. Formally:

\begin{equation} \label{originalwithc} \textrm{minimize }|| \delta ||_p \;\; \textrm{subject to } C(x + \delta)=t, \;\; x + \delta \in [0,1]^n \end{equation} where $C(x)$ is the class label returned with an image $x$.

The noise level is measured in terms of $L_p$ distance.

Finding the minimum $L_p$ distance of $\delta$ while ensuring that the new image will have a class $t$ is a very difficult non-linear optimization problem. Instead, CW introduces a function $f$ such that $C(x + \delta)=t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. Then the Equation \ref{originalwithc} can be reduced to:

\begin{equation} \label{eqwithf} \textrm{minimize }|| \delta ||_p \;\; \textrm{subject to } f(x+\delta) \le 0, \;\; x + \delta \in [0,1]^n \end{equation}

The recommended choice of such function $f$ is:

\begin{equation} f(x) = \left([\textrm{max}_{i \ne t}Z(x)_i] - Z(x)_t \right)^+ \end{equation} where $Z(x)_t$ is the output of the DNN before the softmax layer.

Some observation:

  • $f(x) = 0$ is the mimimum and it happens if $Z(x)_t \le Z(x)_i$ for all $i \ne t$/
  • $f(x)$ increases when the class $t$ probability becomes smaller than some of the other class's probabilities.

Finally, just like lasso, Equation~\ref{eqwithf} can be alternatively represented as:

\begin{equation} \label{efinal} \textrm{minimize }|| \delta ||_p +c f(x+\delta) \;\;\textrm{subject to } x + \delta \in [0,1]^n \end{equation}

Box constraints

The box constraint $x + \delta \in [0,1]^n$ enforce the image pixel to take values between 0 and 1. This is done by the change of variable techinique, introducing the new variable $w_i$ such that:

$$\delta_i = \frac{1}{2} \left( \textrm{tanh}(w_i)+1\right)-x_i$$.

The optimization is done over $w_i$


The choice of $c$ governs the tradeoff between the effectiveness of the attack and the success rate of the attack. The attack is more effective when the adversarial instance is similar to the original image: in other words, when the $|| \delta ||_p$ is small. The attack is accurate if it successfuly misguide the model to classify the adversarial instance to the target class $t$. The tradeoff is measured by the magnitude of $c$. The authors suggests to choose the smallest $c$ that can misguide the model to classify the adversarial image to the target class $t$. In other words $f(x^*)<0$.


When $p=2$, the objective function is minimized using the gradient descent.


When $p=0$, the objective function does not have a gradient so the gradient descent is not a good choice. Instead, authors takes the following:

we use an iterative algorithm that, in each iteration, identifies some pixels that do not have much effect on the classifier output and then fixes those pixels, so their value will never be changed. The set of fixed pixels grows in each iteration until we have by process of elimination, identified a minimal subset of pixels that can be modified to generate an adversarial example.

The algorithm is further discussed later.

Use carlini/nn_robust_attacks's code to generate adversarial attack.

Modification to the predicted model

We need to make two modifications to the pretrained model:

  • carlini/nn_robust_attacks's code assumes that the input image must ranges from -0.5 and 0.5 while mobilenet accepts image ranging between -1 and 1. To make the mobilenet work with the CW's $L_p$ attack script, we customize the input layer of mobilenet by first removing the input layer.

  • The output layer must be the final layer of the pretrained model right before the softmax.

Some useful reference

In [4]:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Input, Lambda,  Flatten

batch_size = 1
m = Sequential()

# newInput expect an image ranging [-0.5,0.5] --> need to transform to our range: [0,1] by multipying all the values by 2
m.add(Lambda(lambda x : x+0.5,name="rescaledm05p05",input_shape=(28,28,1)))

## start from 1 because we want to use new Input layer 
## end right before -1 because softmax should be removed. 
for l in model_keras.layers[:-1]:
# https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/8909
model_rescaled = m
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
rescaledm05p05 (Lambda)      (None, 28, 28, 1)         0         
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)            (None, 26, 26, 32)        320       
activation_1 (Activation)    (None, 26, 26, 32)        0         
conv2d_2 (Conv2D)            (None, 24, 24, 32)        9248      
activation_2 (Activation)    (None, 24, 24, 32)        0         
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2 (None, 12, 12, 32)        0         
conv2d_3 (Conv2D)            (None, 10, 10, 64)        18496     
activation_3 (Activation)    (None, 10, 10, 64)        0         
conv2d_4 (Conv2D)            (None, 8, 8, 64)          36928     
activation_4 (Activation)    (None, 8, 8, 64)          0         
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2 (None, 4, 4, 64)          0         
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 200)               205000    
activation_5 (Activation)    (None, 200)               0         
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 200)               0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 200)               40200     
activation_6 (Activation)    (None, 200)               0         
dense_3 (Dense)              (None, 10)                2010      
Total params: 312,202
Trainable params: 312,202
Non-trainable params: 0

$L_0$ Adversarial image crafting

Using the Carlini and Wagner's code, we will create adversarial images. Carlini and Wagner's API expects a model which is not exactly keras model. It requires some more members. So I created a wrapper class as below.

In [5]:
from nn_robust_attacks.l0_attack import CarliniL0
# model must be tensorflow model model_tf = KerasModelWrapper(model.model)

class ModelWrapper:
    def __init__(self,keras_model,num_labels=10):
        self.model = keras_model
        self.num_channels = self.model.input_shape[-1]
        self.image_size = self.model.input_shape[1] ## assume height = width
        self.num_labels = num_labels
    def predict(self, data):
        return self.model(data)        

num_classes = 10   
model_attack = ModelWrapper(model_rescaled,num_classes)        

Now define Carlini and Wagner's object. To understand the parametersof this object's API, understanding of the iterative approach for $L_0$ adversarial attack algorithm is necessary.


For each image, run the following algorithm.

Fix $c$=initial_cost and repeat steps 1 and 2 until step 1 fails to find solution.

Step 1: Run gradient descent to minimize the objective function described above with L2 norm. The solution $\delta_i$ is forced to be unchanged if $mask_i=0$.

  • The gradient descent is stopped either when max_iterations is reached or when the adversarial image can correctly misguide the model i.e., $f(x^*)<0$.
  • If there is no solution, then increase $c$ and repeat Step 1.

Step 2: Reduce the number of changable pixels by setting $mask_i=0$ for $i$ corresponding to the small gradients from step 1.

In [6]:
attack = CarliniL0(sess,model_attack,
                   ## learning rate needed to be reduced from default for mobilenet
                   learning_rate = 0.01,

Create adversarial images based on the following test images.

In [7]:
Nimage = 20
x_test_subset = x_test[:Nimage] 
y_test_subset = y_test[:Nimage]
(20, 28, 28, 1)
array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)

CarliniL0 object expects the image to range between -0.5 and 0.5.

In [8]:
x_test_subset -= 0.5
print("x_test_subset MIN={}, MAX={}".format(np.min(x_test_subset),np.max(x_test_subset)))
x_test_subset MIN=-0.5, MAX=0.5

Adversarial target class

The adversarial target class needs to be predefined. I set these to be the class next to the ground truth class.

In [9]:
y_target = np.zeros_like(y_test_subset)
for i in range(y_test_subset.shape[0]):
    target = np.where(y_test_subset[i]==1)[0] 
    if target != y_test_subset.shape[1]-1:
        target += 1
        target = 0
    y_target[i,target] = 1
array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)

Train adversarial images

Attack iteration will run as many time as the sample size (i.e., x_train_subset.shape[0]). The printing of this script may look different from yours as I made some modification to the printing. However, actual calculation should be identical to the one in github repository.

In [10]:
adv_img = attack.attack(x_test_subset,y_target)
Attack iteration 0
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=37.007713317871094,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693960189819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693952560424805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69394302368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69393539428711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693927764892578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693918228149414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693912506103516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69390106201172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693893432617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693883895874023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  236
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693878173828125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693870544433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69386100769043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69385528564453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693843841552734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693836212158203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693828582763672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  237
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69382095336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69381332397461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693805694580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693798065185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69379234313965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693784713745117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693775177001953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693767547607422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69375991821289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69375228881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693744659423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693737030029297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693729400634766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69371795654297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693710327148438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693702697753906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  238
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693695068359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69368553161621
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693679809570312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69367027282715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693662643432617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693653106689453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693645477294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69363784790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693628311157227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693622589111328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693614959716797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693605422973633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.6935977935791
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693586349487305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693580627441406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693572998046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693565368652344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693557739257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69355010986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69354248046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69353485107422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693527221679688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693517684936523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69350814819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693500518798828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693492889404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693483352661133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693477630615234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69346809387207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69346046447754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693450927734375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69344711303711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693437576293945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69342803955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69342041015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69341278076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693405151367188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693397521972656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693387985229492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693378448486328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693370819091797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.6933650970459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693355560302734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693349838256836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69333839416504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693330764770508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69332504272461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693317413330078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69330596923828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693300247192383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69329261779785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693286895751953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693275451660156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693267822265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  240
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693260192871094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  240
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69325065612793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693241119384766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693233489990234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693225860595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69321632385254
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693206787109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693199157714844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693195343017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69318389892578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  241
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69317626953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  242
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69316864013672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  242
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693159103393555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  242
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69314956665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693145751953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693134307861328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693130493164062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693119049072266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693113327026367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693103790283203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693098068237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  243
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693092346191406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69308090209961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693073272705078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693065643310547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69305992126465
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693050384521484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69304084777832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69302749633789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693016052246094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.693002700805664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.692981719970703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69293975830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.692901611328125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.692834854125977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.692766189575195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69267463684082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69234848022461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69182777404785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69144630432129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69088363647461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.68988037109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.68816375732422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.68731689453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.68548583984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.683486938476562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.681007385253906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.017432937398552895,||delta||_2=19.67697525024414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.840194702148438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11415279656648636,||delta||_2=19.83074188232422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.012894878163933754,||delta||_2=20.00108528137207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.171871185302734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05559230595827103,||delta||_2=20.158336639404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0813061073422432,||delta||_2=20.411455154418945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.011015662923455238,||delta||_2=20.462772369384766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.008697399869561195,||delta||_2=20.478456497192383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08302415162324905,||delta||_2=20.527830123901367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.14840580523014069,||delta||_2=20.722627639770508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.17469467222690582,||delta||_2=20.9708251953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12141550332307816,||delta||_2=21.180118560791016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11944950371980667,||delta||_2=21.35248565673828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.28405535221099854,||delta||_2=21.42761993408203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.379000186920166,||delta||_2=21.679046630859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.021621951833367348,||delta||_2=22.21739959716797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.195283889770508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15593434870243073,||delta||_2=22.16751480102539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020164737477898598,||delta||_2=22.252220153808594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.326093673706055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13895119726657867,||delta||_2=22.134458541870117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04227984696626663,||delta||_2=22.095407485961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.27391183376312256,||delta||_2=22.04702377319336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.050631530582904816,||delta||_2=22.292871475219727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.446199417114258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.378297805786133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.317508697509766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.258056640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04667151719331741,||delta||_2=22.198162078857422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21538950502872467,||delta||_2=22.130996704101562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09060085564851761,||delta||_2=21.938602447509766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.20647896826267242,||delta||_2=22.056489944458008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5431685447692871,||delta||_2=22.151813507080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.3535072803497314,||delta||_2=22.581256866455078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2820160388946533,||delta||_2=23.776260375976562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0518871545791626,||delta||_2=23.06047821044922
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.08087921887636185,||delta||_2=24.577163696289062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=4.0192131996154785,||delta||_2=22.981218338012695
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=1.000956654548645,||delta||_2=26.145633697509766
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.7954674959182739,||delta||_2=26.11632537841797
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.716602087020874,||delta||_2=25.45357322692871
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.6829323768615723,||delta||_2=25.209064483642578
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.6834356784820557,||delta||_2=25.208667755126953
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.6799178123474121,||delta||_2=25.21065902709961
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.6797745227813721,||delta||_2=25.21868133544922
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.6773715019226074,||delta||_2=25.220170974731445
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.6775712966918945,||delta||_2=25.216121673583984
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=49

Attack iteration 1
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=24.336769104003906,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086610794067383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08660888671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086605072021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086603164672852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086599349975586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08659553527832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08659553527832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086590766906738
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086588859558105
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086585998535156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086584091186523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086580276489258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086577415466309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08657455444336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086572647094727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086569786071777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086566925048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086563110351562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08656120300293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086557388305664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086555480957031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086552619934082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086548805236816
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086546897888184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086544036865234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086540222167969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086538314819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08653450012207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086532592773438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086528778076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086524963378906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08652400970459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08652114868164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086517333984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086515426635742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086512565612793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086509704589844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086507797241211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086503982543945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086502075195312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086498260498047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086496353149414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086492538452148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086490631103516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08648681640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086484909057617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086481094360352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086479187011719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086475372314453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086472511291504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086469650268555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086467742919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086463928222656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086462020874023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086458206176758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086454391479492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08645248413086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086448669433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086446762084961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086442947387695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086441040039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086438179016113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086434364318848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086432456970215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086429595947266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08642578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086423873901367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086421012878418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086418151855469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08641529083252
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08641242980957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086409568786621
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086404800415039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086404800415039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086400985717773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086398124694824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086394309997559
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08639144897461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086389541625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086386680603027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086383819580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086380004882812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08637809753418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086376190185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086372375488281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086369514465332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086366653442383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086363792419434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086360931396484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086359024047852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086355209350586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086353302001953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086349487304688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086346626281738
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086343765258789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08634090423584
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08633804321289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086334228515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086332321166992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086328506469727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086326599121094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086322784423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086320877075195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086318969726562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08631420135498
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086312294006348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086308479309082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086307525634766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.0863037109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086299896240234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086297035217285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086295127868652
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086291313171387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08629035949707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086286544799805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086283683776855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086280822753906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086277961730957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086276054382324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086273193359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08626937866211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086265563964844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086263656616211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086261749267578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086257934570312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08625602722168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086252212524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086250305175781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086248397827148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08624267578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086241722106934
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086238861083984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086235046386719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086233139038086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08622932434082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086225509643555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086224555969238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086221694946289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086217880249023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08621597290039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086212158203125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086209297180176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086207389831543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086203575134277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086200714111328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086196899414062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08619499206543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086191177368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086189270019531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086187362670898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.08618450164795
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086180686950684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086177825927734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086174011230469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086172103881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  163
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.086112022399902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  160
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.0859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  156
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.085780143737793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  152
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.085638999938965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  148
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.085514068603516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  144
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.085262298583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  140
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.084724426269531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  136
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.035125501453876495,||delta||_2=10.083253860473633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  132
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.198326110839844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  128
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.195995330810547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  124
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.19339656829834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.190141677856445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.175361633300781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03607822209596634,||delta||_2=10.162748336791992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.278099060058594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.26486587524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.246850967407227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.227838516235352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.18516731262207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.131359100341797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.39161181449890137,||delta||_2=10.086601257324219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.27353286743164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.252551078796387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.37056851387023926,||delta||_2=10.180314064025879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21018864214420319,||delta||_2=10.389193534851074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.49140453338623
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.475532531738281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.452808380126953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.427451133728027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.392553329467773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.311962127685547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.284584045410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.24785041809082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.207534790039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.164226531982422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.355940580368042,||delta||_2=10.119194030761719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.360832214355469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.266013145446777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.171257019042969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.121145248413086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22879387438297272,||delta||_2=10.070749282836914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2804124355316162,||delta||_2=10.156343460083008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.36385512351989746,||delta||_2=10.292876243591309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.517351150512695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.456600189208984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.372903823852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10527873784303665,||delta||_2=10.209860801696777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.301029205322266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.20142936706543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.121183395385742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.054336547851562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.995108604431152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07113338261842728,||delta||_2=9.89472770690918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.958393096923828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8033568859100342,||delta||_2=9.772583961486816
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.28646063804626465,||delta||_2=10.048809051513672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.265853881835938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21166302263736725,||delta||_2=10.124103546142578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.242500305175781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.159140586853027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.978727340698242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.840693473815918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11635947972536087,||delta||_2=9.682125091552734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1276548057794571,||delta||_2=9.693300247192383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.65471076965332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.3497412204742432,||delta||_2=9.539609909057617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07486892491579056,||delta||_2=10.19747543334961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3171966075897217,||delta||_2=10.026145935058594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.746450662612915,||delta||_2=9.976917266845703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.023841628804802895,||delta||_2=10.998678207397461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3757302761077881,||delta||_2=10.836234092712402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.93703842163086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.154771089553833,||delta||_2=10.42021656036377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18039681017398834,||delta||_2=11.653924942016602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.79517650604248
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.495504379272461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15235306322574615,||delta||_2=11.213034629821777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2688910961151123,||delta||_2=11.014242172241211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=3.0534040927886963,||delta||_2=10.531636238098145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2053439617156982,||delta||_2=12.27824592590332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3664700984954834,||delta||_2=12.879583358764648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4098050594329834,||delta||_2=12.64494800567627
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  762 L0:   22
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3044755458831787,||delta||_2=12.469625473022461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  763 L0:   21
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6725785732269287,||delta||_2=12.044443130493164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  764 L0:   20
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.480677843093872,||delta||_2=11.953086853027344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  765 L0:   19
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.352920532226562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  766 L0:   18
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=3.4661881923675537,||delta||_2=11.523120880126953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  767 L0:   17
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.456025123596191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  769 L0:   15
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.5487596988677979,||delta||_2=11.565872192382812
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=1.2407987117767334,||delta||_2=11.940174102783203
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=1.2388169765472412,||delta||_2=11.939279556274414
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=1.237760305404663,||delta||_2=11.94375228881836
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=1.2376430034637451,||delta||_2=11.943115234375
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=1.2374141216278076,||delta||_2=11.944971084594727
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=1.2376763820648193,||delta||_2=11.941579818725586
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=1.2371575832366943,||delta||_2=11.946128845214844
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=1.2373979091644287,||delta||_2=11.943793296813965
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=1.237210988998413,||delta||_2=11.94534683227539
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=15

Attack iteration 2
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=23.573213577270508,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.4635648727417
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    3 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463560104370117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    6 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463556289672852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    9 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463550567626953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463546752929688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463541030883789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   18 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46353816986084
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   21 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463534355163574
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463529586791992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   27 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46352481842041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463521003723145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   33 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463516235351562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463512420654297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   39 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463507652282715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   42 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463502883911133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463499069213867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463494300842285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   51 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46349048614502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   54 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463485717773438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   57 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463481903076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463476181030273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   63 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463473320007324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   66 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463468551635742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   69 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463464736938477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463459014892578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463455200195312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   78 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463451385498047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   81 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463447570800781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463441848754883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   87 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463438034057617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463434219360352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   93 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463430404663086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463425636291504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   99 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463420867919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  102 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46341609954834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463412284851074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463408470153809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  111 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463403701782227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  114 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463398933410645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  117 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463394165039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463390350341797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  123 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463386535644531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  126 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463380813598633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  129 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463376998901367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463373184204102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46336841583252
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  138 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463363647460938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  141 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463359832763672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463356018066406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  147 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46335220336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463347434997559
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  153 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463342666625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463338851928711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  159 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463334083557129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  162 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463330268859863
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463325500488281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463321685791016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  171 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463315963745117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  174 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463312149047852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  177 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463308334350586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46330451965332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  183 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463298797607422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  186 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463294982910156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  189 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463289260864258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463285446166992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463281631469727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  198 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463276863098145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  201 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463273048400879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463268280029297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  207 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463264465332031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463260650634766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  213 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463255882263184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463251113891602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  219 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463247299194336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  222 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463242530822754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463237762451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463233947753906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  231 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463229179382324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  234 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463225364685059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  237 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463220596313477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463216781616211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  243 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463212966918945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  246 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463208198547363
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  249 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463203430175781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463199615478516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463193893432617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  258 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463190078735352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  261 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463186264038086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463180541992188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  267 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463176727294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46317195892334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  273 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463167190551758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463163375854492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  279 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463159561157227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  282 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463154792785645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463150024414062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463146209716797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  291 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463141441345215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  294 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46313762664795
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  297 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463133811950684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463129043579102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  303 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463125228881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  306 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463119506835938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  309 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463115692138672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463111877441406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463106155395508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  318 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463102340698242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  321 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463098526000977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463092803955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  327 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463088989257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46308422088623
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  333 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463079452514648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463075637817383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  339 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463071823120117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  342 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463066101074219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463062286376953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463057518005371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  351 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463053703308105
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  354 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463048934936523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  357 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463045120239258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463040351867676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  363 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46303653717041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  366 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463031768798828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  369 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463027954101562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463022232055664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463018417358398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  378 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463014602661133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  381 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46300983428955
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463005065917969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  387 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.463001251220703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462997436523438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  393 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462991714477539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46298885345459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  399 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462984085083008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  402 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462979316711426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462974548339844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462969779968262
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  411 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46296501159668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  414 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462963104248047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  417 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462957382202148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462953567504883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  423 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.4629487991333
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  426 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462944984436035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  429 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462940216064453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462935447692871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462932586669922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  438 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462926864624023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  441 L0:   99
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462923049926758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:   99
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462919235229492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  447 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462913513183594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  451 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462909698486328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462904930114746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  459 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46290111541748
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  463 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462896347045898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  467 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462892532348633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  471 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462886810302734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462882995605469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  479 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462879180908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  483 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462875366210938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  487 L0:  103
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462870597839355
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  491 L0:  103
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462865829467773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462862014770508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  499 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462858200073242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  503 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462852478027344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  507 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462848663330078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  511 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462843894958496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46284008026123
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  519 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462835311889648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  523 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462831497192383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  527 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462827682495117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  531 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462822914123535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462818145751953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  539 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462814331054688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  543 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462808609008789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  547 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462804794311523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  551 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462800025939941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462796211242676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  559 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46279239654541
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  563 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462787628173828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  567 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46278190612793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  571 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462778091430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462774276733398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  579 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.4627685546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  583 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462764739990234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  587 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462760925292969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  591 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462756156921387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462752342224121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  599 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462747573852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  603 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462742805480957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  607 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462738990783691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  611 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46273422241211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  615 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462730407714844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  619 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462726593017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  623 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46272087097168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  627 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462717056274414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  631 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462713241577148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  635 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462708473205566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  639 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462703704833984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  643 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462699890136719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  647 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46269416809082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  651 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462690353393555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  655 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462686538696289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  659 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46268081665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  663 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462677001953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  667 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46267318725586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  671 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462668418884277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  675 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462664604187012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  679 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462660789489746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  683 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462656021118164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462652206420898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462648391723633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462642669677734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462638854980469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46263313293457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462629318237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462625503540039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462620735168457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462616920471191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.46261215209961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462608337402344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462581634521484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462547302246094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.462028503417969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.460256576538086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.026000985875725746,||delta||_2=9.44820785522461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2649421691894531,||delta||_2=9.425951957702637
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.635257720947266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06946182996034622,||delta||_2=9.548015594482422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.19928480684757233,||delta||_2=9.55087661743164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.732155799865723
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0022225473076105118,||delta||_2=9.692418098449707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.763514518737793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12788988649845123,||delta||_2=9.743470191955566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.892986297607422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.858757019042969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.25402069091796875,||delta||_2=9.715719223022461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8094556331634521,||delta||_2=9.759832382202148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6875452995300293,||delta||_2=10.306981086730957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.023772725835442543,||delta||_2=10.649972915649414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2266235500574112,||delta||_2=10.45145320892334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06912613660097122,||delta||_2=10.600550651550293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5967421531677246,||delta||_2=10.473220825195312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.05971908569336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.00439167022705
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.942044258117676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.101405143737793,||delta||_2=10.547527313232422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.644000768661499,||delta||_2=11.441996574401855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  762 L0:   22
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7290478944778442,||delta||_2=11.631023406982422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  763 L0:   21
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2761248350143433,||delta||_2=11.150399208068848
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.5058835744857788,||delta||_2=12.065216064453125
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.5024296045303345,||delta||_2=12.069737434387207
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.5011200904846191,||delta||_2=12.075095176696777
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.5007684230804443,||delta||_2=12.07467269897461
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.5006877183914185,||delta||_2=12.074602127075195
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.5004746913909912,||delta||_2=12.078045845031738
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.5004904270172119,||delta||_2=12.074873924255371
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.5003138780593872,||delta||_2=12.07705307006836
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.5007970333099365,||delta||_2=12.07436752319336
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=21

Attack iteration 3
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=26.829160690307617,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461127281188965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461122512817383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461118698120117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461114883422852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461111068725586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46110725402832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461102485656738
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461098670959473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461094856262207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461090087890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461084365844727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461079597473145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461076736450195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46107292175293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461069107055664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461065292358398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461061477661133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461055755615234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461051940917969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461047172546387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461043357849121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461040496826172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461036682128906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461031913757324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461027145385742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461023330688477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461018562316895
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461014747619629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461009979248047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461006164550781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.461002349853516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46099853515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460992813110352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460988998413086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46098518371582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460979461669922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460975646972656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46097183227539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460968017578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460965156555176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460958480834961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460956573486328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46095085144043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46094799041748
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460944175720215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460939407348633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460935592651367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460929870605469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460926055908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460922241210938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460918426513672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46091365814209
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460909843444824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460905075073242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460901260375977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460896492004395
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460891723632812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46088981628418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460885047912598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460882186889648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46087646484375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460871696472168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460867881774902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46086311340332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460860252380371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460853576660156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460851669311523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460847854614258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460844039916992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46083927154541
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460836410522461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460830688476562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460826873779297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460823059082031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460817337036133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460813522338867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460807800292969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46080493927002
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46080207824707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460798263549805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460794448852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46078872680664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460784912109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460779190063477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460775375366211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460773468017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460769653320312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460763931274414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460759162902832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46075439453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460750579833984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460746765136719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460742950439453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460740089416504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460735321044922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460731506347656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460725784301758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460722923278809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460719108581543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460715293884277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460708618164062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460704803466797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460700988769531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460697174072266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460694313049316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460689544677734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460683822631836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46068000793457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460676193237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460672378540039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46066951751709
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460664749145508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460659980773926
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460655212402344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460651397705078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460647583007812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46064281463623
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460638046264648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46063232421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460519790649414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46042251586914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46025562286377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46014404296875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.460077285766602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.459627151489258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=4.182197153568268e-05,||delta||_2=14.459061622619629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0034065935760736465,||delta||_2=14.458559036254883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.266444206237793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.265937805175781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.264171600341797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.262761116027832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.001730436459183693,||delta||_2=14.260574340820312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.363840103149414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016892025247216225,||delta||_2=14.347284317016602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04629506915807724,||delta||_2=14.277084350585938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08586641401052475,||delta||_2=14.341632843017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.232858344912529,||delta||_2=14.423076629638672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020464936271309853,||delta||_2=14.583969116210938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.403923988342285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06485874205827713,||delta||_2=14.365080833435059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.562320709228516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1879013329744339,||delta||_2=14.490994453430176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.807732582092285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.7744779586792
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18305246531963348,||delta||_2=14.735810279846191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.012651199474930763,||delta||_2=14.979019165039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.053836822509766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.006449321284890175,||delta||_2=15.03348159790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.156302452087402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.134066581726074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.088753700256348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.46492451429367065,||delta||_2=15.05685043334961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.022353703156113625,||delta||_2=15.836162567138672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.36116012930870056,||delta||_2=15.624080657958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.176074981689453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.158870697021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11472498625516891,||delta||_2=16.017488479614258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2773454487323761,||delta||_2=15.974660873413086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.51993751525879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.051492251455783844,||delta||_2=16.443971633911133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.20060554146766663,||delta||_2=16.517436981201172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02091335691511631,||delta||_2=16.937545776367188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.047149933874607086,||delta||_2=17.02936553955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05806123465299606,||delta||_2=16.604602813720703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1072438582777977,||delta||_2=16.531822204589844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.23321442306041718,||delta||_2=15.921215057373047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.17445945739746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.41167783737182617,||delta||_2=15.890527725219727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07233152538537979,||delta||_2=16.116363525390625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0160048995167017,||delta||_2=16.400978088378906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2917293608188629,||delta||_2=16.1915340423584
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.026725107803940773,||delta||_2=16.8803653717041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.967849731445312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6120643615722656,||delta||_2=16.723520278930664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.052167974412441254,||delta||_2=17.55929946899414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08865844458341599,||delta||_2=17.72227668762207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.751819610595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2329999953508377,||delta||_2=17.294246673583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.617475509643555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02107539214193821,||delta||_2=17.543476104736328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.492252349853516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07307896763086319,||delta||_2=17.403533935546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06511057168245316,||delta||_2=17.481937408447266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.17182038724422455,||delta||_2=17.610200881958008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.035315968096256256,||delta||_2=17.820356369018555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16160675883293152,||delta||_2=17.446552276611328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04462403804063797,||delta||_2=17.719369888305664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.7004438638687134,||delta||_2=17.146934509277344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10771123319864273,||delta||_2=19.474205017089844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4408895969390869,||delta||_2=19.068378448486328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08006589859724045,||delta||_2=19.702133178710938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5133703947067261,||delta||_2=19.23195457458496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.7444506883621216,||delta||_2=18.867687225341797
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.3532743453979492,||delta||_2=21.87676239013672
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.3438642919063568,||delta||_2=21.90423583984375
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.34235090017318726,||delta||_2=21.851892471313477
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.34178653359413147,||delta||_2=21.864177703857422
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.33929795026779175,||delta||_2=21.870121002197266
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.33986663818359375,||delta||_2=21.863277435302734
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.34073683619499207,||delta||_2=21.870851516723633
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.3412846624851227,||delta||_2=21.873863220214844
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.3397791385650635,||delta||_2=21.868268966674805
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=37

Attack iteration 4
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=20.186738967895508,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134346008300781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134343147277832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13433837890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134332656860352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134329795837402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134325981140137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134323120117188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134318351745605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13431453704834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134310722351074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134306907653809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13430404663086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134298324584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134295463562012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134292602539062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13428783416748
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134283065795898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134279251098633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134275436401367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134271621704102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134267807006836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13426399230957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134260177612305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134256362915039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134252548217773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134247779846191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134244918823242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134241104125977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134237289428711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134233474731445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134228706359863
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134224891662598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134221076965332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134217262268066
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.1342134475708
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134210586547852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134206771850586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13420295715332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134198188781738
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134193420410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13418960571289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134185791015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134182929992676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134178161621094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134174346923828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134169578552246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134166717529297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134161949157715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134157180786133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.1341552734375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134151458740234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134146690368652
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134142875671387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134139060974121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134135246276855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134130477905273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134126663208008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134123802185059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134119033813477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134116172790527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134110450744629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13410758972168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134103775024414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134099960327148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134096145629883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134092330932617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134087562561035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13408374786377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134078979492188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134077072143555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134072303771973
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134068489074707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134064674377441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134061813354492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134056091308594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134053230285645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134049415588379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134044647216797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134041786193848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134037017822266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134033203125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134029388427734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134025573730469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134021759033203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134017944335938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134015083312988
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134010314941406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134007453918457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.134002685546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133999824523926
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133995056152344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133991241455078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133987426757812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133984565734863
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133979797363281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133976936340332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13397216796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133968353271484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133963584899902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133960723876953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133955955505371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133951187133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133949279785156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133943557739258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133941650390625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133936882019043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133933067321777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133929252624512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133926391601562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133922576904297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133917808532715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133913040161133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133909225463867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133905410766602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13390064239502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13389778137207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133893966674805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133890151977539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133886337280273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133881568908691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133877754211426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133874893188477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133872032165527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133867263793945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13386344909668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133858680725098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133855819702148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133852005004883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133848190307617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133844375610352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133840560913086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133835792541504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133832931518555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133828163146973
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133824348449707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133820533752441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133817672729492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133811950683594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133808135986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133804321289062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13379955291748
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133795738220215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133792877197266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.1337890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133785247802734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133780479431152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133777618408203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133773803710938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133769035339355
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133766174316406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133761405944824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133757591247559
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133753776550293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133750915527344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133747100830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133742332458496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133737564086914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133734703063965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133731842041016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133726119995117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133722305297852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133718490600586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13371467590332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133710861206055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133706092834473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133703231811523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133648872375488
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133322715759277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.133011817932129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.13109302520752
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0017584655433893204,||delta||_2=10.123920440673828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.240438461303711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.025889167562127113,||delta||_2=10.221620559692383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.360166549682617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03167010098695755,||delta||_2=10.327518463134766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0019555184990167618,||delta||_2=10.425960540771484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1588386446237564,||delta||_2=10.445304870605469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.722524642944336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09105683118104935,||delta||_2=10.601435661315918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09018874913454056,||delta||_2=10.684331893920898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.918033599853516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.001782665029168129,||delta||_2=10.898319244384766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.995964050292969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.026676902547478676,||delta||_2=10.929483413696289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0016517732292413712,||delta||_2=11.001405715942383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.082858085632324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0509803369641304,||delta||_2=11.019634246826172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07739818841218948,||delta||_2=11.085102081298828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.053574688732624054,||delta||_2=11.152503967285156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016163835301995277,||delta||_2=11.175963401794434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18500079214572906,||delta||_2=11.236332893371582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.010462531819939613,||delta||_2=11.412574768066406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.47620964050293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18103815615177155,||delta||_2=11.362850189208984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.648113250732422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4576970338821411,||delta||_2=11.495963096618652
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.19369126856327057,||delta||_2=12.027467727661133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22997154295444489,||delta||_2=12.154590606689453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.448202133178711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.399696350097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08924687653779984,||delta||_2=12.314976692199707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.435419082641602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.20635320246219635,||delta||_2=12.263845443725586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18097831308841705,||delta||_2=12.378572463989258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5394594669342041,||delta||_2=12.475957870483398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.20214153826236725,||delta||_2=13.177666664123535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09256315976381302,||delta||_2=13.399637222290039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.040214069187641144,||delta||_2=13.41019344329834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0843517854809761,||delta||_2=13.376903533935547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.412269592285156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9388099908828735,||delta||_2=13.044939041137695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.252674102783203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2924025058746338,||delta||_2=13.880568504333496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07765532284975052,||delta||_2=14.224828720092773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4877054691314697,||delta||_2=13.782699584960938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.1552734375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.057474136352539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.963664054870605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.3961539268493652,||delta||_2=13.472861289978027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.876449584960938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.78193473815918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.681886672973633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.399371147155762
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18152977526187897,||delta||_2=14.222404479980469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09030986577272415,||delta||_2=13.9490327835083
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5677175521850586,||delta||_2=13.754450798034668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.27602267265319824,||delta||_2=14.047355651855469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.28728699684143066,||delta||_2=14.159347534179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11606908589601517,||delta||_2=14.245162010192871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.1542980670928955,||delta||_2=13.656396865844727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7400133609771729,||delta||_2=14.409732818603516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.294210433959961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  762 L0:   22
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9907736778259277,||delta||_2=14.456427574157715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  763 L0:   21
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1951747089624405,||delta||_2=14.867345809936523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  764 L0:   20
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9189167022705078,||delta||_2=14.273815155029297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  765 L0:   19
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2660801410675049,||delta||_2=14.299939155578613
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=1.1762328147888184,||delta||_2=14.41087532043457
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=1.1754703521728516,||delta||_2=14.41287612915039
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=1.1760427951812744,||delta||_2=14.407115936279297
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=1.175856113433838,||delta||_2=14.407862663269043
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=1.1754257678985596,||delta||_2=14.412137031555176
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=1.1756904125213623,||delta||_2=14.409891128540039
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=1.175490140914917,||delta||_2=14.41154670715332
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=1.1750586032867432,||delta||_2=14.415258407592773
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=1.1756608486175537,||delta||_2=14.410799026489258
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=19

Attack iteration 5
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=27.171239852905273,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62936782836914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    3 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629364967346191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    6 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62936019897461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    9 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629356384277344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629352569580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629348754882812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   18 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629344940185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   21 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629341125488281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629335403442383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   27 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629331588745117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629327774047852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   33 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629323959350586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62932014465332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   39 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629316329956055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   42 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629312515258789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629308700561523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629304885864258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   51 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629300117492676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   54 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629295349121094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   57 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629291534423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629287719726562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   63 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629284858703613
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   66 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629281044006348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   69 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629276275634766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.6292724609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629268646240234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   78 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629264831542969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   81 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62925910949707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629256248474121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   87 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629251480102539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629249572753906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   93 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629243850708008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629240036010742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   99 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629237174987793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  102 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629233360290527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629228591918945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62922477722168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  111 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629220962524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  114 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629217147827148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  117 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629213333129883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.6292085647583
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  123 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629204750061035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  126 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629199981689453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  129 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629196166992188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629192352294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629188537597656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  138 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62918472290039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  141 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629180908203125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629176139831543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  147 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629171371459961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629168510437012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  153 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629164695739746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629159927368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  159 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629156112670898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  162 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629152297973633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629148483276367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629144668579102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  171 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629140853881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  174 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62913703918457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  177 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629133224487305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629129409790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  183 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629124641418457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  186 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629119873046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  189 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62911605834961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629112243652344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629108428955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  198 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629104614257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  201 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62909984588623
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629096984863281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  207 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629093170166016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629087448120117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  213 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629083633422852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629079818725586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  219 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62907600402832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  222 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629072189331055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629068374633789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629064559936523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  231 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629060745239258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  234 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629056930541992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  237 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62905216217041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629049301147461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  243 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629044532775879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  246 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629039764404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  249 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629035949707031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629032135009766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.6290283203125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  258 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629024505615234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  261 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629020690917969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629015922546387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  267 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629013061523438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629009246826172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  273 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.629005432128906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628999710083008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  279 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628996849060059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  282 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628993034362793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628988265991211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628984451293945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  291 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62898063659668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  294 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628976821899414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  297 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628973007202148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628968238830566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  303 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628965377807617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  306 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628960609436035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  309 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62895679473877
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628952026367188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628948211669922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  318 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628944396972656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  321 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62894058227539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628935813903809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  327 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628931999206543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628927230834961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  333 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628923416137695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628920555114746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  339 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628915786743164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  342 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628913879394531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62890911102295
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628904342651367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  351 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628899574279785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  354 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628896713256836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  357 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628891944885254
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628888130187988
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  363 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628883361816406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  366 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62887954711914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  369 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628875732421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62887191772461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628868103027344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  378 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628864288330078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  381 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628860473632812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62885570526123
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  387 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628851890563965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628847122192383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  393 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628843307495117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628839492797852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  399 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628835678100586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  402 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62883186340332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628828048706055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628823280334473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  411 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628819465637207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  414 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628815650939941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  417 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62881088256836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628807067871094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  423 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628803253173828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  426 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628798484802246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  429 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628795623779297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628791809082031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628787994384766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  438 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.6287841796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  441 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628780364990234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628776550292969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  447 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628771781921387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628767967224121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  453 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628763198852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628759384155273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  459 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628754615783691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  462 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628751754760742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628747940063477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628742218017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  471 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628739356994629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  474 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62873649597168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  477 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628730773925781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628727912902832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  483 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628724098205566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  486 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628719329833984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  489 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628715515136719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628711700439453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628707885742188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  498 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628703117370605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  501 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62869930267334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62869644165039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  507 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628691673278809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628687858581543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  513 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628683090209961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628679275512695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  519 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62867546081543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  522 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628671646118164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628666877746582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628662109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  531 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628658294677734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  534 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628654479980469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  537 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62865161895752
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628646850585938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  543 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628643035888672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  546 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628639221191406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  549 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62863540649414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628630638122559
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628625869750977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  558 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628622055053711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  561 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628618240356445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62861442565918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  567 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628610610961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628606796264648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  573 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628602981567383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.6285982131958
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  579 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628594398498535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  582 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628591537475586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628586769104004
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628582000732422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  591 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628578186035156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  594 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62857437133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  597 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628570556640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62856674194336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  603 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628562927246094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  606 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628559112548828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  609 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628555297851562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628551483154297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  615 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628546714782715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628541946411133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  621 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628538131713867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628534317016602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  627 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628530502319336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62852668762207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  633 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628522872924805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628519058227539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  639 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628515243530273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628511428833008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  645 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62850570678711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628501892089844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  651 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628498077392578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628494262695312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  657 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628490447998047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628486633300781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  663 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628480911254883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628478050231934
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  669 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628473281860352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628469467163086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  675 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62846565246582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628461837768555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  681 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628458976745605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628454208374023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628450393676758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628446578979492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62844181060791
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628437995910645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628435134887695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628416061401367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628385543823242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628358840942383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.628340721130371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.62813949584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.627517700195312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.627230644226074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.626717567443848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.621164321899414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.611300468444824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.593177795410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.545831680297852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.486815452575684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.422405242919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.388063430786133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.361048698425293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.312926292419434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11967945843935013,||delta||_2=8.21579647064209
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.363205909729004
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2710099220275879,||delta||_2=8.251476287841797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4419267177581787,||delta||_2=8.371428489685059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.054078347980976105,||delta||_2=8.328031539916992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.42824649810791016,||delta||_2=8.27021598815918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.480829238891602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21931935846805573,||delta||_2=8.421887397766113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09194184094667435,||delta||_2=8.408452033996582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6416893005371094,||delta||_2=8.288785934448242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.24045349657535553,||delta||_2=8.353275299072266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.1702933311462402,||delta||_2=8.192731857299805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9550466537475586,||delta||_2=8.397111892700195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6238865852355957,||delta||_2=8.556888580322266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6415600776672363,||delta||_2=8.668439865112305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6190056800842285,||delta||_2=8.728323936462402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  762 L0:   22
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.4647018909454346,||delta||_2=8.87216567993164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  763 L0:   21
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7849886417388916,||delta||_2=9.594158172607422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  764 L0:   20
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.3653318881988525,||delta||_2=9.437789916992188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  765 L0:   19
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.553605556488037,||delta||_2=9.562199592590332
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.8174817562103271,||delta||_2=9.839822769165039
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.7930489778518677,||delta||_2=9.986645698547363
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.7913459539413452,||delta||_2=9.992822647094727
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.790946364402771,||delta||_2=9.99058723449707
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.7899212837219238,||delta||_2=10.000234603881836
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.7903294563293457,||delta||_2=9.994671821594238
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.7900112867355347,||delta||_2=10.001434326171875
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.7898136377334595,||delta||_2=9.998525619506836
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.7895510196685791,||delta||_2=10.001365661621094
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=19

Attack iteration 6
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=25.87828826904297,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153575897216797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153570175170898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153565406799316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153560638427734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153554916381836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153549194335938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153546333312988
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153539657592773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153533935546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15353012084961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153525352478027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153520584106445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153514862060547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153509140014648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153504371643066
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153499603271484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153495788574219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15349006652832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153486251831055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153478622436523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153473854064941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153470039367676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153463363647461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153459548950195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153454780578613
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153450012207031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15344524383545
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153438568115234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153434753417969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15342903137207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153425216674805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153419494628906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15341567993164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153409957885742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153404235839844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153398513793945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153392791748047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153388977050781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153383255004883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.1533784866333
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153373718261719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153368949890137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153364181518555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153359413146973
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153353691101074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153349876403809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153343200683594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153339385986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15333366394043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153328895568848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153324127197266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153318405151367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153312683105469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153308868408203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153303146362305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153299331665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15329360961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153287887573242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153284072875977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153278350830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153273582458496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153266906738281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153263092041016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153258323669434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153255462646484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153247833251953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153243064880371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153238296508789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153234481811523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153227806091309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153221130371094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153217315673828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153212547302246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153207778930664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153203010559082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153199195861816
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153192520141602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153188705444336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153182983398438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153177261352539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153173446655273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153167724609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153162002563477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153158187866211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153152465820312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153146743774414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153142929077148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15313720703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153133392333984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153127670288086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153122901916504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153117179870605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153112411499023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153105735778809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153101921081543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153097152709961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153091430664062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15308666229248
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153081893920898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153076171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153070449829102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15306568145752
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15306282043457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153057098388672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153050422668457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153045654296875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15304183959961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153036117553711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153030395507812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153024673461914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153020858764648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153016090393066
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153011322021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.153005599975586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15300178527832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152996063232422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152990341186523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152985572814941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15298080444336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152975082397461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152970314025879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15296459197998
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152960777282715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152955055236816
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152952194213867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152944564819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15294075012207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152936935424805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152929306030273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152925491333008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15291976928711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15291690826416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152912139892578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15290641784668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152900695800781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152896881103516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152891159057617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152885437011719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152881622314453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152875900268555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152870178222656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152864456176758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152860641479492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152854919433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152851104736328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15284538269043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152840614318848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152835845947266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152831077575684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152826309204102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152820587158203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152814865112305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152810096740723
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15280532836914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152799606323242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152795791625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152790069580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152785301208496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152779579162598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152774810791016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.15277099609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152765274047852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152740478515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  132
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152676582336426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  128
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.152545928955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  124
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.151979446411133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.147069931030273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.143115997314453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.137415885925293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020349035039544106,||delta||_2=12.124476432800293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.261030197143555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.238966941833496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.210311889648438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.181294441223145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0016951654106378555,||delta||_2=12.156816482543945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.255725860595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13159014284610748,||delta||_2=12.188940048217773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06874013692140579,||delta||_2=12.307104110717773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.060940273106098175,||delta||_2=12.363369941711426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0006599519401788712,||delta||_2=12.476634979248047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.610079765319824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.596595764160156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.541645050048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.514923095703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.499610900878906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.483826637268066
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.456428527832031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22392012178897858,||delta||_2=12.37197494506836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.040978677570819855,||delta||_2=12.610164642333984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21068145334720612,||delta||_2=12.644225120544434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.883091926574707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.836193084716797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16307450830936432,||delta||_2=12.7401704788208
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.843607902526855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07907748967409134,||delta||_2=12.764310836791992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.858335494995117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.760299682617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07182932645082474,||delta||_2=12.708752632141113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5156030654907227,||delta||_2=12.694124221801758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.232955932617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7879002094268799,||delta||_2=12.994998931884766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.676153182983398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.598814010620117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5049500465393066,||delta||_2=13.40161418914795
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4047071933746338,||delta||_2=13.714359283447266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22240020334720612,||delta||_2=13.934671401977539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4910004138946533,||delta||_2=14.005732536315918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1331486850976944,||delta||_2=14.146472930908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2447679191827774,||delta||_2=13.9981689453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.832282304763794,||delta||_2=13.952191352844238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.555281639099121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2404491901397705,||delta||_2=14.194112777709961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13314582407474518,||delta||_2=14.896681785583496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8570313453674316,||delta||_2=14.627008438110352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.377350807189941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.086545944213867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8859350681304932,||delta||_2=14.634220123291016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4034860134124756,||delta||_2=15.170660018920898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.162017360329628,||delta||_2=15.37405776977539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2931678295135498,||delta||_2=15.406564712524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0141839981079102,||delta||_2=15.378168106079102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.832498550415039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.726618766784668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.156786918640137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.680560111999512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8123252391815186,||delta||_2=14.118021965026855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9792649745941162,||delta||_2=14.561927795410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.369425773620605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.923097848892212,||delta||_2=14.69554328918457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.276580810546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8774406909942627,||delta||_2=15.438888549804688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.082368850708008,||delta||_2=15.38929557800293
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.10509730130434036,||delta||_2=17.368642807006836
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.08887863904237747,||delta||_2=17.393993377685547
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.08511710911989212,||delta||_2=17.398956298828125
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.08365846425294876,||delta||_2=17.400798797607422
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.08282995969057083,||delta||_2=17.403106689453125
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.08288408070802689,||delta||_2=17.39945411682129
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.08229733258485794,||delta||_2=17.403228759765625
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.08221960812807083,||delta||_2=17.403324127197266
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.08285022526979446,||delta||_2=17.39700698852539
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=24

Attack iteration 7
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=33.05230712890625,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722513198852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722511291503906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722509384155273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722506523132324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72250747680664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722504615783691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722501754760742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722497940063477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722497940063477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722495079040527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722494125366211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722492218017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722490310668945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722488403320312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722487449645996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72248363494873
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722482681274414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722479820251465
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722476959228516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722476959228516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72247314453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722471237182617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722469329833984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  260
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722467422485352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  261
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722464561462402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  261
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722463607788086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  261
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722461700439453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  261
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722457885742188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  261
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722457885742188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  261
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722454071044922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722452163696289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722450256347656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722447395324707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722445487976074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722443580627441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722441673278809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722441673278809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72243881225586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722434997558594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722432136535645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722430229187012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722429275512695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722427368164062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  262
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722426414489746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  263
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72242259979248
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  263
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722421646118164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722417831420898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722415924072266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722414016723633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722412109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722411155700684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72240924835205
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722407341003418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722404479980469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722403526306152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72240161895752
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72239875793457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722396850585938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722394943237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722393035888672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  265
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722391128540039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  265
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72238826751709
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  265
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722386360168457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722383499145508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722381591796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722378730773926
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722375869750977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722373962402344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722372055053711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722370147705078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722369194030762
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722367286682129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72236442565918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72236156463623
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722360610961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722358703613281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722354888916016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.7223539352417
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72235107421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72235107421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.7223482131958
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722347259521484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722343444824219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72234058380127
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722339630126953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722336769104004
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  266
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722334861755371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722334861755371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722332954406738
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722330093383789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722326278686523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72232437133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72232437133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722321510314941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722320556640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72231674194336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722314834594727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722312927246094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722311019897461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722309112548828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722306251525879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722305297851562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72230339050293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  267
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72230052947998
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722298622131348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722295761108398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722293853759766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  249
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.72229290008545
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  244
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.7222900390625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722286224365234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722282409667969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722278594970703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722274780273438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722268104553223
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722257614135742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.722234725952148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0004748646169900894,||delta||_2=14.722209930419922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.750054359436035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.750015258789062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.749890327453613
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.749740600585938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.749507904052734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.749231338500977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.748815536499023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.747591018676758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.746728897094727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.74404239654541
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.003828981891274452,||delta||_2=14.742239952087402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.87144660949707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0038365665823221207,||delta||_2=14.860946655273438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.008012497797608376,||delta||_2=14.768842697143555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.839537620544434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0009162668138742447,||delta||_2=14.832937240600586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.873531341552734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10128670185804367,||delta||_2=14.845860481262207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.021151313558220863,||delta||_2=15.006287574768066
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07268781214952469,||delta||_2=15.011768341064453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04514697939157486,||delta||_2=15.07970142364502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.023128235712647438,||delta||_2=15.104484558105469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02783089317381382,||delta||_2=15.172992706298828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.14874267578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06985273212194443,||delta||_2=15.114147186279297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.083723068237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09138461202383041,||delta||_2=15.03955078125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11342381685972214,||delta||_2=14.898294448852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.053095817565918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.005027497187256813,||delta||_2=15.040523529052734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10430175811052322,||delta||_2=15.004594802856445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21596477925777435,||delta||_2=14.83017349243164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.004100391641259193,||delta||_2=15.130776405334473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.053970336914062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.053279973566532135,||delta||_2=14.99886417388916
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10985375195741653,||delta||_2=15.028153419494629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0848608985543251,||delta||_2=15.139787673950195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.283336639404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03757152706384659,||delta||_2=15.254355430603027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10670313984155655,||delta||_2=15.078258514404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.024205127730965614,||delta||_2=15.288646697998047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18006481230258942,||delta||_2=15.148490905761719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.43313980102539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.048823125660419464,||delta||_2=15.386207580566406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016912857070565224,||delta||_2=15.402877807617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.038131214678287506,||delta||_2=15.402066230773926
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020678231492638588,||delta||_2=15.427531242370605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0047785434871912,||delta||_2=15.453531265258789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04811082035303116,||delta||_2=15.559958457946777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15707562863826752,||delta||_2=15.27499771118164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11063996702432632,||delta||_2=14.869711875915527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06956792622804642,||delta||_2=15.091100692749023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10956791788339615,||delta||_2=15.120121002197266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04421413689851761,||delta||_2=15.305888175964355
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.17427225410938263,||delta||_2=15.364452362060547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13795988261699677,||delta||_2=15.703716278076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1610339730978012,||delta||_2=15.888679504394531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12929268181324005,||delta||_2=16.113662719726562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4470057785511017,||delta||_2=16.033340454101562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05267266184091568,||delta||_2=16.710786819458008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0874718502163887,||delta||_2=16.663387298583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.009461650624871254,||delta||_2=16.52631950378418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09320465475320816,||delta||_2=16.49887466430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.26249536871910095,||delta||_2=16.519845962524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08877000957727432,||delta||_2=17.133541107177734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08582062274217606,||delta||_2=16.79266357421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7267464399337769,||delta||_2=16.22972869873047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5033883452415466,||delta||_2=17.53023910522461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=18.46101951599121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=18.348541259765625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.24756060540676117,||delta||_2=17.923194885253906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.4684077501296997,||delta||_2=17.55495262145996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.18824005126953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.36060553789138794,||delta||_2=18.383956909179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.46323898434638977,||delta||_2=17.940895080566406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08431483060121536,||delta||_2=18.41250991821289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.996255874633789,||delta||_2=17.469125747680664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0659601166844368,||delta||_2=19.54043960571289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.4536161422729492,||delta||_2=18.849292755126953
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.03119809366762638,||delta||_2=20.22299575805664
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.02436072565615177,||delta||_2=20.227458953857422
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.020330378785729408,||delta||_2=20.25168228149414
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.01591862179338932,||delta||_2=20.269725799560547
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.01701105572283268,||delta||_2=20.204694747924805
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.017538854852318764,||delta||_2=20.133575439453125
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.014244923368096352,||delta||_2=20.15934944152832
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.013848910108208656,||delta||_2=20.14482879638672
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.01344669796526432,||delta||_2=20.146690368652344
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=35

Attack iteration 8
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=13.852699279785156,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526866912841797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526865005493164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526863098144531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52686071395874
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526859283447266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526856899261475
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52685546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526853084564209
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526851177215576
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526848793029785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526847839355469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5268449783325195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526844024658203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52684211730957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5268402099609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526838302612305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526835918426514
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526834011077881
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526832580566406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526830673217773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526828289031982
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526826858520508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526824951171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526823043823242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526821136474609
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526819229125977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526817321777344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526815414428711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526813983917236
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5268120765686035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5268096923828125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526806831359863
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526805877685547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526803970336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526802062988281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526800155639648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526798248291016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526796340942383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526793956756592
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526792049407959
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526790618896484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526788711547852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526785850524902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267839431762695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267815589904785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526780605316162
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526778221130371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267767906188965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267744064331055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526772975921631
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526771068572998
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526769161224365
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526767253875732
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526765823364258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526763439178467
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526761531829834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526760101318359
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526757717132568
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526756286621094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526754379272461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267534255981445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526750564575195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267486572265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52674674987793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526744842529297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526742935180664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526741027832031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526739597320557
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526737689971924
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526735782623291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267333984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526731491088867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526729583740234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526727676391602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526725769042969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526724338531494
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526721954345703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267205238342285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267181396484375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526716709136963
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52671480178833
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267133712768555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526711463928223
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526708602905273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526707172393799
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526705741882324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526702880859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5267014503479
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526699542999268
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526697635650635
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526695728302002
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526693344116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526691436767578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526689529418945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526688098907471
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52668571472168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526684284210205
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526682376861572
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526679992675781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526678562164307
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526677131652832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526675224304199
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526673316955566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526670932769775
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526669502258301
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52666711807251
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526665687561035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526663780212402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5266618728637695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526659965515137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526657581329346
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526655673980713
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526653289794922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5266523361206055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526649475097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526648044586182
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526645660400391
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526643753051758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526641845703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526640892028809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526638984680176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526637077331543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526634216308594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526633262634277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526630401611328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526629447937012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5266265869140625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52662467956543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526623249053955
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526621341705322
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5266194343566895
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526617050170898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526615142822266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526613235473633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526611804962158
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526609420776367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526607990264893
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526605606079102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526604175567627
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526601791381836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526599884033203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52659797668457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526595592498779
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526594161987305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526592254638672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526590347290039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526588439941406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526586532592773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526584625244141
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526582717895508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526581764221191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526578903198242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526575088500977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  172
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526500225067139
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  168
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.5264081954956055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526285171508789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  160
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.526151657104492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  156
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52602481842041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  152
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.52590274810791
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  148
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.525789737701416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  144
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.525678634643555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  140
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.524921417236328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  136
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016992339864373207,||delta||_2=5.523754119873047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  132
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.626885890960693
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  128
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.620081901550293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  124
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.611246109008789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.17899776995182037,||delta||_2=5.596643447875977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=5.7897868156433105
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02528739906847477,||delta||_2=5.77876615524292
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03238559514284134,||delta||_2=5.84805965423584
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.045328862965106964,||delta||_2=5.934784889221191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12288070470094681,||delta||_2=6.03867244720459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.20211483538150787,||delta||_2=6.137722015380859
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2310941368341446,||delta||_2=6.381960391998291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11769843846559525,||delta||_2=6.6099958419799805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.31202006340026855,||delta||_2=6.709871292114258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=7.043437957763672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.30160975456237793,||delta||_2=7.014562129974365
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=7.334483623504639
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3034369945526123,||delta||_2=7.300291538238525
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.24794746935367584,||delta||_2=7.589652061462402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15856720507144928,||delta||_2=7.876425743103027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.38133692741394043,||delta||_2=8.059319496154785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1556270271539688,||delta||_2=8.533960342407227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=8.71670150756836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.006530532613396645,||delta||_2=8.664924621582031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13301445543766022,||delta||_2=8.735756874084473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.376300573348999,||delta||_2=8.864788055419922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06345153599977493,||delta||_2=9.345027923583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03505492955446243,||delta||_2=9.394891738891602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.482443809509277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.465680122375488
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3183600902557373,||delta||_2=9.363614082336426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.875251770019531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6026771068572998,||delta||_2=9.738443374633789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.68238639831543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.657451629638672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16333748400211334,||delta||_2=10.539887428283691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.094344861805439,||delta||_2=10.654548645019531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.825934410095215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.45500636100769043,||delta||_2=10.632563591003418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.420660018920898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.021695861592888832,||delta||_2=11.375811576843262
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16898037493228912,||delta||_2=11.272607803344727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.58310604095459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16756416857242584,||delta||_2=11.457432746887207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06745792180299759,||delta||_2=11.551878929138184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3239438533782959,||delta||_2=11.426311492919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04109359532594681,||delta||_2=11.975333213806152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.17904449999332428,||delta||_2=11.85934829711914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03882766515016556,||delta||_2=12.165860176086426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10351062566041946,||delta||_2=12.06302261352539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11697555333375931,||delta||_2=11.89515209197998
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.183518186211586,||delta||_2=11.655428886413574
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2378556877374649,||delta||_2=11.820842742919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.26810622215270996,||delta||_2=11.803647994995117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.34499335289001465,||delta||_2=11.833011627197266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4739034175872803,||delta||_2=11.977188110351562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7373902797698975,||delta||_2=12.372438430786133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08676696568727493,||delta||_2=13.267797470092773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2108638435602188,||delta||_2=13.068132400512695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.842904806137085,||delta||_2=13.031994819641113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.41365790367126465,||delta||_2=13.719173431396484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5105178356170654,||delta||_2=13.760668754577637
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.006278762593865395,||delta||_2=15.016672134399414
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.0025594327598810196,||delta||_2=15.026405334472656
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.00047183968126773834,||delta||_2=15.040979385375977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8775842189788818,||delta||_2=13.34360122680664
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.7958838939666748,||delta||_2=12.941627502441406
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.7953898906707764,||delta||_2=12.942371368408203
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.7953202724456787,||delta||_2=12.942703247070312
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.7946507930755615,||delta||_2=12.947168350219727
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.795311689376831,||delta||_2=12.942359924316406
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.7946898937225342,||delta||_2=12.946730613708496
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.7944295406341553,||delta||_2=12.949751853942871
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.7949883937835693,||delta||_2=12.944934844970703
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.7952086925506592,||delta||_2=12.942070007324219
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=23

Attack iteration 9
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=43.70551681518555,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241201400756836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241193771362305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241188049316406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241178512573242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24117088317871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241165161132812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24115562438965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24114990234375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241138458251953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241130828857422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241125106811523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  277
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24111557006836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241107940673828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   66 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241100311279297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241092681884766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   78 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.2410831451416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241079330444336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241069793701172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24106216430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  102 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24105453491211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241046905517578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  114 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241039276123047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241031646728516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  126 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241024017333984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241016387939453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  138 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.241008758544922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240997314453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24099349975586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240983963012695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  162 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240978240966797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240968704223633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  174 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.2409610748291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24095344543457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  186 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240943908691406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240936279296875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  198 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240928649902344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240921020507812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240917205810547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24090576171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  222 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24089813232422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240890502929688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  234 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240882873535156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240875244140625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  246 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240867614746094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240859985351562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  258 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24085235595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.2408447265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24083709716797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240829467773438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  282 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240821838378906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240816116333008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  294 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240806579589844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240800857543945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  306 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24079132080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240785598754883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  318 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24077606201172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240768432617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240760803222656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240753173828125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  342 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24074363708496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240737915039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  354 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24073028564453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  282
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240720748901367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  366 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240711212158203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240707397460938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  378 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24069595336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24068832397461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240680694580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240673065185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  402 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240665435791016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24066162109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  414 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240650177001953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240642547607422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  426 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24063491821289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24062728881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  438 L0:  283
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240619659423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24061393737793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240604400634766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240596771240234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  462 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240589141845703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240583419799805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  474 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240571975708008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24056625366211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  486 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240554809570312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24054718017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  498 L0:  284
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240543365478516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24053382873535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  274
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240524291992188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  269
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24051856994629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240510940551758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240501403808594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240493774414062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  249
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24048614501953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  244
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240478515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240468978881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240459442138672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240447998046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24043846130371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24042320251465
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24040985107422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240360260009766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240306854248047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.24026870727539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.2402286529541
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.240129470825195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.23997688293457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.239595413208008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0005982015281915665,||delta||_2=23.23937225341797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.401721954345703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.4012508392334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.399871826171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05227101594209671,||delta||_2=23.396984100341797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.378597259521484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.374858856201172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.36895751953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.365337371826172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.006763705983757973,||delta||_2=23.357276916503906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.437450408935547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04400361329317093,||delta||_2=23.426105499267578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.43161964416504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.053977735340595245,||delta||_2=23.390148162841797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0289772842079401,||delta||_2=23.496158599853516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.050098665058612823,||delta||_2=23.448150634765625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1267101913690567,||delta||_2=23.49983024597168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.029876122251152992,||delta||_2=23.70447540283203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11093462258577347,||delta||_2=23.757003784179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  685 L0:   99
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.77933120727539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07678128033876419,||delta||_2=23.75359344482422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.036759622395038605,||delta||_2=23.95479965209961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  688 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.993467330932617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.975135803222656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.951801300048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.927867889404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.90279769897461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.879539489746094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0018141362816095352,||delta||_2=23.851516723632812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.849239349365234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02858162857592106,||delta||_2=23.819435119628906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.980064392089844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0021016690880060196,||delta||_2=23.889549255371094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.020967483520508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04422689229249954,||delta||_2=23.97186851501465
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07685185223817825,||delta||_2=23.97188377380371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0720137432217598,||delta||_2=24.059120178222656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.121244430541992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.035995483398438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5450224280357361,||delta||_2=23.972156524658203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.185993194580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.123477935791016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3202422857284546,||delta||_2=23.96403694152832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.19083894789218903,||delta||_2=24.098295211791992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.36813735961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6650660037994385,||delta||_2=24.069091796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.88434600830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0593952015042305,||delta||_2=24.766372680664062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.5696349143981934,||delta||_2=24.263134002685547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.44544288516044617,||delta||_2=25.731796264648438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0421116352081299,||delta||_2=25.507118225097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.028191396966576576,||delta||_2=26.194683074951172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5778608322143555,||delta||_2=25.647371292114258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.3431414365768433,||delta||_2=25.99156951904297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=27.703136444091797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6530754566192627,||delta||_2=27.30661392211914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02439410425722599,||delta||_2=27.762414932250977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=27.756425857543945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.004665622487664223,||delta||_2=27.71034049987793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=27.686323165893555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.098473310470581,||delta||_2=27.051448822021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.44818663597106934,||delta||_2=27.797101974487305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0243322849273682,||delta||_2=27.80683135986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7118437886238098,||delta||_2=28.29367446899414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03571832925081253,||delta||_2=29.12820816040039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=29.11122703552246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.3979833126068115,||delta||_2=28.13593864440918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.015980372205376625,||delta||_2=29.917675018310547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.1881792545318604,||delta||_2=29.24185562133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=3.2484850883483887,||delta||_2=28.483959197998047
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=1.8167393207550049,||delta||_2=30.505661010742188
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=1.810085654258728,||delta||_2=30.501768112182617
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=1.8072041273117065,||delta||_2=30.503862380981445
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=1.8058226108551025,||delta||_2=30.514259338378906
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=1.8067162036895752,||delta||_2=30.52985382080078
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=1.799905776977539,||delta||_2=30.542102813720703
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=1.8055293560028076,||delta||_2=30.52259635925293
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=1.8009377717971802,||delta||_2=30.53619384765625
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=1.8017115592956543,||delta||_2=30.532846450805664
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=47

Attack iteration 10
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=26.750864028930664,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28705883026123
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287052154541016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287046432495117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287039756774902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287032127380371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287026405334473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287019729614258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28701400756836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287008285522461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.287002563476562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286995887756348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286989212036133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286982536315918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286975860595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286970138549805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286962509155273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286956787109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28695011138916
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286943435668945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286938667297363
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286931991577148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286924362182617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286917686462402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286911010742188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286905288696289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28689956665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286892890930176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286887168884277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286880493164062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286873817443848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286867141723633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286860466003418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28685474395752
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286846160888672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286842346191406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286835670471191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28683090209961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286823272705078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28681755065918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286808013916016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286802291870117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286795616149902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28679084777832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286784172058105
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286776542663574
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286768913269043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286765098571777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286758422851562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286749839782715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286745071411133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286736488342285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286731719970703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286724090576172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286717414855957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286711692810059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28670597076416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286698341369629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286691665649414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2866849899292
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286680221557617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286672592163086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286666870117188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286661148071289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286652565002441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286648750305176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286641120910645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286635398864746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286627769470215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286620140075684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286615371704102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286608695983887
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286603927612305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28659725189209
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286588668823242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286581993103027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286576271057129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28657054901123
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286563873291016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2865571975708
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286550521850586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286545753479004
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286537170410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286531448364258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286523818969727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286517143249512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286510467529297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286504745483398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286499977111816
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286494255065918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286486625671387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286479949951172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286473274230957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28646469116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286459922790527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286453247070312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28644847869873
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286441802978516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286434173583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286428451538086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286420822143555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286415100097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286408424377441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286401748657227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286396026611328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286388397216797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286384582519531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286376953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286369323730469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28636360168457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286356925964355
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28635025024414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286344528198242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286337852478027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286332130432129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286324501037598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286319732666016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286312103271484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28630542755127
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286298751831055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28629207611084
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286286354064941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286279678344727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286273002624512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286266326904297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286260604858398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28625202178955
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286247253417969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286240577697754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  173
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286233901977539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28622817993164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286222457885742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286214828491211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286208152770996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286203384399414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2861967086792
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286190032958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286184310913086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286176681518555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286170959472656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286163330078125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28615665435791
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286150932312012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286144256591797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286139488220215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2861328125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286125183105469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286120414733887
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286112785339355
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28610610961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286100387573242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286093711853027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286086082458496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  175
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286080360412598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  171
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286073684692383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  168
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.286067008972168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28604507446289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  160
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2860107421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  156
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28596305847168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  152
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.285931587219238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  148
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.285798072814941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  144
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.285331726074219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  140
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02436448074877262,||delta||_2=14.283456802368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  136
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.365346908569336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  132
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.362051010131836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  128
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.006251821294426918,||delta||_2=14.35732364654541
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  124
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.413451194763184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.404961585998535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.01452232338488102,||delta||_2=14.39384937286377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.547867774963379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.537300109863281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.485112190246582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.061950452625751495,||delta||_2=14.464068412780762
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.011575231328606606,||delta||_2=14.573534965515137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.603069305419922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.418581485748291,||delta||_2=14.509330749511719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.026368865743279457,||delta||_2=14.960027694702148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.014141807332634926,||delta||_2=15.0067720413208
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.970563888549805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04746247082948685,||delta||_2=14.946492195129395
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020667800679802895,||delta||_2=14.99069595336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2884805202484131,||delta||_2=14.8599853515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.30089449882507324,||delta||_2=15.130793571472168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.459202766418457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.041016586124897,||delta||_2=15.440361022949219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.44323444366455
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1306333690881729,||delta||_2=15.385799407958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08099175244569778,||delta||_2=15.654801368713379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.754291534423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.731953620910645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.699518203735352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06502700597047806,||delta||_2=15.642799377441406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.869359016418457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1161661222577095,||delta||_2=15.771917343139648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0682673528790474,||delta||_2=15.729055404663086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.914379119873047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.013749131932854652,||delta||_2=15.793561935424805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.018403062596917152,||delta||_2=15.672928810119629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.916979789733887
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.005336770787835121,||delta||_2=15.878171920776367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3786330223083496,||delta||_2=15.764450073242188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10989881306886673,||delta||_2=16.244686126708984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.043173082172870636,||delta||_2=16.34799575805664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020171651616692543,||delta||_2=16.419906616210938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.40407943725586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08642888814210892,||delta||_2=16.350631713867188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02644420601427555,||delta||_2=16.347667694091797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04884100705385208,||delta||_2=16.340301513671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.318559646606445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06777168065309525,||delta||_2=15.996511459350586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5011337995529175,||delta||_2=15.704102516174316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7434293031692505,||delta||_2=15.965808868408203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.012547025457024574,||delta||_2=16.223512649536133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.043678052723407745,||delta||_2=16.262176513671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.015333423390984535,||delta||_2=16.224178314208984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9754114151000977,||delta||_2=16.106094360351562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02315402962267399,||delta||_2=16.935951232910156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.020229587331414223,||delta||_2=16.871614456176758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.984209418296814,||delta||_2=16.486377716064453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5968354940414429,||delta||_2=16.50652313232422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.693635106086731,||delta||_2=16.52383804321289
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.4266155958175659,||delta||_2=17.364707946777344
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.41179096698760986,||delta||_2=17.282669067382812
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.394525408744812,||delta||_2=17.300395965576172
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.38733386993408203,||delta||_2=17.337392807006836
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.3861715793609619,||delta||_2=17.362998962402344
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.3843344449996948,||delta||_2=17.37551498413086
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.3687223196029663,||delta||_2=17.44321060180664
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.3685716390609741,||delta||_2=17.440731048583984
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.37612903118133545,||delta||_2=17.396873474121094
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=43

Attack iteration 11
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=53.738712310791016,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.370010375976562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.3700008392334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369991302490234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369983673095703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36997413635254
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36996841430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369956970214844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369949340820312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36993980407715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369930267333984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369922637939453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369915008544922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  197
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369905471801758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369895935058594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369888305664062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36988067626953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369873046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36986541748047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36985206604004
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36984634399414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369834899902344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369827270507812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369815826416016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  198
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369810104370117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369800567626953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36979103088379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36978530883789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369773864746094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369766235351562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36975860595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.3697509765625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369741439819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369731903076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36972427368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369712829589844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369705200195312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36969757080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369686126708984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369678497314453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369670867919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36966323852539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369651794433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369644165039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.3696346282959
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369626998901367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369617462158203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369609832763672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36960220336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369592666625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369583129882812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36957550048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369565963745117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369556427001953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369548797607422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369539260864258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369531631469727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  200
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369522094726562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  201
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.3695125579834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  201
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369504928588867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  201
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369497299194336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  202
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369487762451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  202
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36948013305664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369470596313477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369461059570312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36945343017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369441986083984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369436264038086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369426727294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36941909790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369409561157227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369401931762695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36939239501953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369382858276367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369373321533203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  203
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369365692138672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369356155395508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369348526000977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369342803955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36933135986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369321823120117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369312286376953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369304656982422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369295120239258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369287490844727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369281768798828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369274139404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369260787963867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369253158569336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369245529174805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36923599243164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369226455688477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36921501159668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36920928955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36920166015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369192123413086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369182586669922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36917495727539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36916732788086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369155883789062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36914825439453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369140625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369129180908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369121551513672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36911392211914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369104385375977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369094848632812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36908531188965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369077682495117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369068145751953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369060516357422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36905288696289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369043350219727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369033813476562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.3690242767334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369014739990234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  205
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.369007110595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368999481201172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368989944458008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368980407714844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368972778320312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36896514892578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36895751953125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368947982788086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.36882209777832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368709564208984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.368404388427734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.367198944091797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.027345428243279457,||delta||_2=19.36586570739746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.513622283935547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.505342483520508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.49321937561035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05476737767457962,||delta||_2=19.46287727355957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.598613739013672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.5858154296875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.54669952392578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10532236844301224,||delta||_2=19.487628936767578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.625905990600586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15471602976322174,||delta||_2=19.553302764892578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3381061553955078,||delta||_2=19.605587005615234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.83746337890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.80535888671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  683 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.752716064453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02444983460009098,||delta||_2=19.7283878326416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  685 L0:   99
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.872045516967773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.8572998046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.814380645751953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  688 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.797929763793945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.69621467590332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.678058624267578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03866458684206009,||delta||_2=19.644386291503906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.711984634399414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.67974090576172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0898294523358345,||delta||_2=19.65467643737793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3993964195251465,||delta||_2=19.65549659729004
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.003719329833984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=19.984582901000977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04249263554811478,||delta||_2=19.951881408691406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.050867080688477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08735037595033646,||delta||_2=19.93076515197754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11591888219118118,||delta||_2=19.973621368408203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16263534128665924,||delta||_2=20.021347045898438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.170269012451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18158890306949615,||delta||_2=20.12978172302246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09807754307985306,||delta||_2=20.33907699584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.23173333704471588,||delta||_2=20.32968521118164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.541467666625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.500497817993164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15195299685001373,||delta||_2=20.328258514404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21173526346683502,||delta||_2=20.366540908813477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3488469123840332,||delta||_2=20.598859786987305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=21.00843048095703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.928693771362305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.825817108154297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.77318572998047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=20.722551345825195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0213474128395319,||delta||_2=20.585466384887695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.30668699741363525,||delta||_2=20.611125946044922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15649069845676422,||delta||_2=20.791345596313477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=21.06229019165039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4331413507461548,||delta||_2=20.814027786254883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=21.154754638671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.5661184787750244,||delta||_2=20.91701889038086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06351173669099808,||delta||_2=22.327167510986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=22.281705856323242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11185014992952347,||delta||_2=22.08441925048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7019522786140442,||delta||_2=21.929370880126953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8838973641395569,||delta||_2=22.58782958984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4271584749221802,||delta||_2=22.947463989257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.379512786865234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.4888122081756592,||delta||_2=23.059917449951172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.372051239013672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.321556091308594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.27457988262176514,||delta||_2=23.980026245117188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10512448102235794,||delta||_2=23.87753677368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.290685772895813,||delta||_2=23.770679473876953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.93561363220215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=5.373901844024658,||delta||_2=24.186431884765625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9230935573577881,||delta||_2=29.121417999267578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.107790231704712,||delta||_2=29.048465728759766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9667629599571228,||delta||_2=29.396244049072266
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.11057568341493607,||delta||_2=27.819690704345703
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.10220808535814285,||delta||_2=27.849151611328125
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.09964282065629959,||delta||_2=27.846900939941406
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.09787530452013016,||delta||_2=27.84208869934082
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.09773946553468704,||delta||_2=27.838258743286133
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.09654272347688675,||delta||_2=27.846553802490234
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.09774387627840042,||delta||_2=27.840534210205078
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.09966672211885452,||delta||_2=27.83892059326172
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.09754545241594315,||delta||_2=27.837711334228516
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=43

Attack iteration 12
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=34.36881637573242,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673446655273438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673440933227539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673437118530273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673429489135742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673425674438477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673419952392578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673417091369629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673410415649414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673406600952148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67340087890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673397064208984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673391342163086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673385620117188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673380851745605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673375129699707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  253
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673368453979492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673364639282227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673361778259277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673355102539062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673351287841797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673346519470215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67333984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673335075378418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673330307006836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67332649230957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673320770263672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673316955566406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673311233520508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67330551147461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673301696777344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673297882080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67329216003418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673288345336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673283576965332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67327880859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673272132873535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67326831817627
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673263549804688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673257827758789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67325210571289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673248291015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673242568969727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673237800598145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673233032226562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673227310180664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673222541809082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673218727111816
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673212051391602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673208236694336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673201560974121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673197746276855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67319393157959
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673189163208008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67318344116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673177719116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673173904418945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673168182373047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673163414001465
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67315673828125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673152923583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673148155212402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673142433166504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673138618469238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67313289642334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67313003540039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67312240600586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  255
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67311954498291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673112869262695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67310905456543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673103332519531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673100471496582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673093795776367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673089027404785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673083305358887
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673080444335938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673074722290039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67306900024414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673064231872559
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673059463500977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673053741455078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673049926757812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673046112060547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673039436340332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673033714294434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673029899597168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673025131225586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673019409179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673015594482422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  256
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67301082611084
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.673006057739258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672999382019043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672994613647461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672990798950195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672986030578613
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672980308532715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672975540161133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67297077178955
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672964096069336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  257
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672962188720703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672956466674805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67294979095459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672945022583008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672941207885742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672937393188477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672931671142578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  258
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672926902770996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67292308807373
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  249
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672917366027832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  244
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67291259765625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672907829284668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672903060913086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672896385192871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67288875579834
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672880172729492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672868728637695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672860145568848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672844886779785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672828674316406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672800064086914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672755241394043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672586441040039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672202110290527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67202377319336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.671804428100586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.671577453613281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0053766462951898575,||delta||_2=15.67136001586914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.67204761505127
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.671466827392578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.670713424682617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.669960021972656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.668636322021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.664916038513184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.660943031311035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0713246539235115,||delta||_2=15.646039962768555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.003310868516564369,||delta||_2=15.69960880279541
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.760405540466309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.024853060021996498,||delta||_2=15.750694274902344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04485005885362625,||delta||_2=15.697487831115723
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06614721566438675,||delta||_2=15.736286163330078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1896810084581375,||delta||_2=15.815567016601562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21383218467235565,||delta||_2=15.976455688476562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2088988572359085,||delta||_2=16.217668533325195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.211661234498024,||delta||_2=16.405162811279297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12074906378984451,||delta||_2=16.50692367553711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06545180827379227,||delta||_2=16.643396377563477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.056340284645557404,||delta||_2=16.614099502563477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13345877826213837,||delta||_2=16.666946411132812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1708197146654129,||delta||_2=17.085187911987305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3741074204444885,||delta||_2=17.210281372070312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.017658958211541176,||delta||_2=17.596721649169922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08424676209688187,||delta||_2=17.527360916137695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03810138255357742,||delta||_2=17.69355583190918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3576994836330414,||delta||_2=17.591142654418945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05424392968416214,||delta||_2=17.692169189453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.74585723876953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09740439802408218,||delta||_2=17.563631057739258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.01679483987390995,||delta||_2=17.419677734375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.01742071844637394,||delta||_2=17.398941040039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.363826751708984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.336111068725586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.307090759277344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.049717195332050323,||delta||_2=17.26128387451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1799551397562027,||delta||_2=17.195890426635742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9540252089500427,||delta||_2=17.048274993896484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.107936330139637,||delta||_2=18.503925323486328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.00747288204729557,||delta||_2=18.652219772338867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.034961529076099396,||delta||_2=18.591537475585938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.30666688084602356,||delta||_2=18.218666076660156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6387083530426025,||delta||_2=18.164409637451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016234824433922768,||delta||_2=19.019168853759766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6877429485321045,||delta||_2=18.438854217529297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7583824396133423,||delta||_2=19.39805793762207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03665334731340408,||delta||_2=21.030963897705078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.6063401699066162,||delta||_2=19.859594345092773
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.2984849512577057,||delta||_2=22.441057205200195
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.25289416313171387,||delta||_2=22.66240692138672
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.24965210258960724,||delta||_2=22.654544830322266
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.252676397562027,||delta||_2=22.723224639892578
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.23741178214550018,||delta||_2=22.68112564086914
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.2524033188819885,||delta||_2=22.45470428466797
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.25655627250671387,||delta||_2=22.440969467163086
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.25768420100212097,||delta||_2=22.416149139404297
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.2595490515232086,||delta||_2=22.442195892333984
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=57

Attack iteration 13
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=30.003110885620117,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866665840148926
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866661071777344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866657257080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86665153503418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866645812988281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866641998291016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866636276245117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866631507873535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86662483215332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866621017456055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866616249084473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866612434387207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866607666015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866601943969727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866596221923828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866591453552246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866586685180664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866580963134766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866576194763184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866571426391602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86656665802002
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866560935974121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866556167602539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86655044555664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866546630859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866541862487793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866537094116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866531372070312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86652660369873
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866521835327148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86651611328125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866511344909668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866506576538086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866500854492188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866497039794922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86649227142334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866485595703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86648178100586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866477012634277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866472244262695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866466522216797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866462707519531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866456985473633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86645221710205
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866447448730469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86644172668457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866436958312988
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866432189941406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866427421569824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866421699523926
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866416931152344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866413116455078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86640739440918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866402626037598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.8663969039917
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866392135620117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866387367248535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866382598876953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866378784179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866372108459473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86636734008789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866361618041992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866358757019043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866352081298828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866347312927246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866342544555664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866336822509766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.8663330078125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866328239440918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86632251739502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866316795349121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866312980651855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86630916595459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866303443908691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86629867553711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866292953491211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866288185119629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866283416748047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866277694702148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866273880004883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866268157958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866263389587402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86625862121582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866252899169922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866249084472656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866242408752441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866238594055176
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866233825683594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866228103637695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86622428894043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866218566894531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866214752197266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86620807647705
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866203308105469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866198539733887
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866193771362305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866189956665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866183280944824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866178512573242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866172790527344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866168022155762
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86616325378418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866159439086914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866153717041016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866148948669434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866142272949219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866138458251953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866132736206055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866127014160156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866124153137207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866118431091309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866113662719727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866107940673828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866104125976562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866098403930664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866093635559082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.8660888671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866083145141602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866079330444336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866073608398438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866068840026855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866064071655273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866058349609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86605453491211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866048812866211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866044044494629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866039276123047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866033554077148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866028785705566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866024017333984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866020202636719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86601448059082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866009712219238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.866003036499023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865999221801758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86599349975586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865988731384277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865983963012695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865979194641113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865974426269531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865970611572266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865964889526367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865961074829102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865955352783203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865949630737305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865944862365723
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86594009399414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865935325622559
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865930557250977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865924835205078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865920066833496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865917205810547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865910530090332
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86590576171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865900039672852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  164
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865875244140625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  160
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865729331970215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  156
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.86556625366211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  152
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.865266799926758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  148
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.864922523498535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  144
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.014091262593865395,||delta||_2=12.864635467529297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  140
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.014561653137207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  136
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.013755798339844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  132
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.004912376403809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  128
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.987357139587402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  124
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.970078468322754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.946182250976562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04177892953157425,||delta||_2=12.916366577148438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.058904647827148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.004491457715630531,||delta||_2=12.983869552612305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1755697876214981,||delta||_2=12.929441452026367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4718858003616333,||delta||_2=12.900481224060059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.436412811279297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.407854080200195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.372448921203613
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.346755027770996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.321266174316406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1538189798593521,||delta||_2=13.294692039489746
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.332629203796387
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08021331578493118,||delta||_2=13.257389068603516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.415411949157715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.397451400756836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9816100597381592,||delta||_2=13.296127319335938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.850875854492188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.005519995465874672,||delta||_2=13.820083618164062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.015677819028496742,||delta||_2=13.72573184967041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04849136620759964,||delta||_2=13.774059295654297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.015339741483330727,||delta||_2=13.821672439575195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0012430045753717422,||delta||_2=13.644817352294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18829835951328278,||delta||_2=13.588876724243164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.567061424255371
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03344918042421341,||delta||_2=13.529037475585938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.592628479003906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11990166455507278,||delta||_2=13.55042839050293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.009306082502007484,||delta||_2=13.631629943847656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.664069175720215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6184730529785156,||delta||_2=13.427267074584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.007725605741143227,||delta||_2=14.136335372924805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08739400655031204,||delta||_2=14.111059188842773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1378021389245987,||delta||_2=14.30733871459961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10106337815523148,||delta||_2=14.328680038452148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.019070753827691078,||delta||_2=14.384405136108398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.164231076836586,||delta||_2=14.406475067138672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.723747253417969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09838128834962845,||delta||_2=14.629547119140625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02730322815477848,||delta||_2=14.644150733947754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05429590493440628,||delta||_2=14.600903511047363
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.19121874868869781,||delta||_2=14.664220809936523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10177338868379593,||delta||_2=14.393243789672852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.45361244678497314,||delta||_2=14.301668167114258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05195701867341995,||delta||_2=14.671133041381836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07894445210695267,||delta||_2=14.36032485961914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09197772294282913,||delta||_2=14.329702377319336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4300922155380249,||delta||_2=14.263727188110352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.6412694454193115,||delta||_2=14.201019287109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04790354520082474,||delta||_2=16.231117248535156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.25641846656799316,||delta||_2=15.99353313446045
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04696381837129593,||delta||_2=16.339794158935547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.4370572566986084,||delta||_2=16.02310562133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.019681105390191078,||delta||_2=17.658716201782227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7612876892089844,||delta||_2=17.23875617980957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.32086706161499023,||delta||_2=16.97749900817871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.5599677562713623,||delta||_2=16.29859733581543
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.43616247177124023,||delta||_2=17.023529052734375
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.39247238636016846,||delta||_2=17.18960189819336
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.3807713985443115,||delta||_2=17.16295051574707
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.37394869327545166,||delta||_2=17.184053421020508
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.3693370819091797,||delta||_2=17.224857330322266
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.37078118324279785,||delta||_2=17.25534439086914
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.36621081829071045,||delta||_2=17.288436889648438
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.36860156059265137,||delta||_2=17.283946990966797
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.3555811643600464,||delta||_2=17.299190521240234
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=45

Attack iteration 14
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=28.558639526367188,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  314
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330292701721191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    6 L0:  314
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330293655395508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  314
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33029556274414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   18 L0:  314
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33029556274414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  314
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330297470092773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  315
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330299377441406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  316
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330301284790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   42 L0:  316
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330302238464355
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330305099487305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   54 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330307006835938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33030891418457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   66 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330310821533203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330312728881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   78 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330312728881836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330314636230469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330316543579102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330318450927734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  102 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330320358276367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330320358276367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  114 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330322265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330322265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  126 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330326080322266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330326080322266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  138 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330327987670898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330329895019531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330331802368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330334663391113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  162 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330334663391113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33033561706543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  174 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330337524414062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330338478088379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  186 L0:  317
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330340385437012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  318
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330341339111328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  198 L0:  318
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330342292785645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330343246459961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33034610748291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330347061157227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  222 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330348014831543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330350875854492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  234 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330350875854492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330354690551758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  246 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33035659790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33035659790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  258 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330358505249023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33035945892334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330362319946289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  319
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330363273620605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  282 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330365180969238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330366134643555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  294 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330366134643555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33036994934082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  306 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330370903015137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33036994934082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  318 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330371856689453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330374717712402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330375671386719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330376625061035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  342 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330379486083984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330381393432617
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  354 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33038330078125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330385208129883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  366 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.3303861618042
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330387115478516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  378 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330389022827148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330389022827148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330391883850098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330392837524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  402 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33039379119873
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33039665222168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  414 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33039665222168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330397605895996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  426 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330398559570312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330402374267578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  438 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330404281616211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330405235290527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330408096313477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330408096313477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  462 L0:  320
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.33041000366211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  316
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330411911010742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  474 L0:  310
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330412864685059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  304
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330413818359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  486 L0:  298
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330415725708008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  292
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330415725708008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  498 L0:  286
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330415725708008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330414772033691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  274
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330413818359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  269
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330413818359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330411911010742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330408096313477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330400466918945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  249
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330385208129883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  244
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330361366271973
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330321311950684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330276489257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330216407775879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330135345458984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.330028533935547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.329885482788086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.329694747924805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.32943344116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.3289213180542
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.328137397766113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.327168464660645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.325864791870117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.324190139770508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.322385787963867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.319942474365234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.316778182983398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.313066482543945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.308938980102539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.304332733154297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.2987699508667
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.292193412780762
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.28373908996582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.273542404174805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.2554931640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.234363555908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.207515716552734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08011544495820999,||delta||_2=12.126789093017578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.19201374053955
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.049790866672992706,||delta||_2=12.148176193237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.035084255039691925,||delta||_2=12.20096206665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.262282371520996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07806587964296341,||delta||_2=12.203314781188965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.17942120134830475,||delta||_2=12.231133460998535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.23081137239933014,||delta||_2=12.305147171020508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.554426193237305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.532706260681152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.008261451497673988,||delta||_2=12.510275840759277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.59866714477539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.573295593261719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.42492151260375977,||delta||_2=12.339849472045898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.928794860839844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5754213333129883,||delta||_2=12.695627212524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.443340301513672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.420324325561523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.34477925300598145,||delta||_2=13.18630313873291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.608682632446289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04888034611940384,||delta||_2=13.378089904785156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.28171849250793457,||delta||_2=13.313182830810547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.552419662475586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.511195182800293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.296586990356445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06466604024171829,||delta||_2=13.248786926269531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.33724308013916
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18903638422489166,||delta||_2=13.125309944152832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.224663734436035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.026224136352539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.97110366821289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.91554069519043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.859026908874512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0007760617882013321,||delta||_2=12.800458908081055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.822875022888184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0006897542625665665,||delta||_2=12.760162353515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10121560841798782,||delta||_2=12.373940467834473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.001195678487420082,||delta||_2=12.341084480285645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.325509071350098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.255263328552246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.184640884399414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.109869003295898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.972249031066895
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1462414413690567,||delta||_2=11.894822120666504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=11.99577808380127
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21833159029483795,||delta||_2=11.91574478149414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.003865012899041176,||delta||_2=12.024389266967773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7661759853363037,||delta||_2=12.109869956970215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.040591008961200714,||delta||_2=12.852792739868164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=12.893376350402832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3856375217437744,||delta||_2=12.78819751739502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05144191533327103,||delta||_2=12.794525146484375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2282466888427734,||delta||_2=12.462202072143555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.004032621160149574,||delta||_2=14.432005882263184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.443621635437012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016140708699822426,||delta||_2=14.298941612243652
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.291925430297852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1720421463251114,||delta||_2=13.87736988067627
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.866737365722656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.675065040588379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13416792452335358,||delta||_2=13.479766845703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.14528442919254303,||delta||_2=13.590876579284668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10211492329835892,||delta||_2=13.688315391540527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08608508855104446,||delta||_2=13.610414505004883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4494469165802002,||delta||_2=13.529963493347168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.20363712310791
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.975305557250977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.701705932617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.410309791564941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4369542598724365,||delta||_2=13.113901138305664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03971315175294876,||delta||_2=13.558547019958496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.4588544368743896,||delta||_2=12.893415451049805
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.91243839263916
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.700338363647461,||delta||_2=14.078862190246582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5160033702850342,||delta||_2=17.189651489257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.32903409004211426,||delta||_2=17.337926864624023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  762 L0:   22
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5073611736297607,||delta||_2=16.991012573242188
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.34787893295288086,||delta||_2=17.281494140625
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.3467545509338379,||delta||_2=17.279850006103516
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.3462221622467041,||delta||_2=17.280620574951172
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.3476989269256592,||delta||_2=17.27078628540039
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.34528613090515137,||delta||_2=17.287277221679688
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.3476853370666504,||delta||_2=17.27001953125
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.3463778495788574,||delta||_2=17.279319763183594
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.3466479778289795,||delta||_2=17.290748596191406
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.34751272201538086,||delta||_2=17.27157211303711
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=22

Attack iteration 15
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=31.36387825012207,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  326
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066354751586914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    6 L0:  326
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066343307495117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  326
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066333770751953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   18 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066322326660156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066312789916992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066303253173828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06629180908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   42 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066280364990234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066268920898438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   54 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066255569458008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  327
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066247940063477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   66 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066238403320312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066226959228516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   78 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06621551513672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06620216369629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066194534301758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066181182861328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  102 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066173553466797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066162109375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  114 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066152572631836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066139221191406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  126 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066131591796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066120147705078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  138 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06610870361328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066097259521484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066085815429688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066076278686523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  162 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06606674194336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066055297851562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  174 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066041946411133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06603240966797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  186 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066024780273438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066011428833008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  198 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.066001892089844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065994262695312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065982818603516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  329
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06597137451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  222 L0:  330
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065959930419922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  330
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065948486328125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  234 L0:  330
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065937042236328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  330
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06592559814453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  246 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06591796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065902709960938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  258 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065895080566406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065881729125977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065872192382812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065860748291016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  282 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065853118896484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065841674804688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  294 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065826416015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065818786621094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  306 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065807342529297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  331
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.0657958984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  318 L0:  332
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065786361694336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  332
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06577491760254
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  332
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065765380859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  332
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06575584411621
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  342 L0:  332
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06574058532715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06573486328125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  354 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06572151184082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065711975097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  366 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065698623657227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065689086914062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  378 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.0656795501709
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065670013427734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06566047668457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06564712524414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  402 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06563949584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  333
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06562614440918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  414 L0:  334
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065616607666016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  334
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06560516357422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  426 L0:  334
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065595626831055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  335
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065584182739258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  438 L0:  335
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065574645996094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  335
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06555938720703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  334
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.0655517578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  328
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065540313720703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  462 L0:  322
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06553077697754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  316
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065521240234375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  474 L0:  310
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065509796142578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  304
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06549835205078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  486 L0:  298
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065486907958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  292
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065471649169922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  498 L0:  286
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065458297729492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.0654354095459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  274
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065412521362305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  269
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06537628173828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06528091430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.065210342407227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.06501007080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  249
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.064838409423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  244
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.064529418945312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.064002990722656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.063261032104492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0032510850578546524,||delta||_2=31.062353134155273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.077634811401367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.0750789642334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.072214126586914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.069679260253906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.064992904663086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.021091708913445473,||delta||_2=31.0364990234375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.039085388183594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.02886962890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.017288208007812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.996318817138672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.981765747070312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09641171246767044,||delta||_2=30.951433181762695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.029221544042229652,||delta||_2=30.971038818359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.96097183227539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06429911404848099,||delta||_2=30.90784454345703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.915109634399414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05858016759157181,||delta||_2=30.8564510345459
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06102801114320755,||delta||_2=30.76764678955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.63179588317871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05371630936861038,||delta||_2=30.50857925415039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05232489854097366,||delta||_2=30.520235061645508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1709292083978653,||delta||_2=30.541156768798828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04267025738954544,||delta||_2=30.65154266357422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  661 L0:  123
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.018945107236504555,||delta||_2=30.539417266845703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.629804611206055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  663 L0:  121
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.616153717041016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.59193229675293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  665 L0:  119
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.57671356201172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.051583774387836456,||delta||_2=30.551067352294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  667 L0:  117
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0075839851051568985,||delta||_2=30.419822692871094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.4901123046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  669 L0:  115
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.458295822143555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06026972085237503,||delta||_2=30.391523361206055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  671 L0:  113
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0073218438774347305,||delta||_2=30.47313690185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.007740745320916176,||delta||_2=30.35883140563965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  673 L0:  111
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08468807488679886,||delta||_2=30.35873794555664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.036701686680316925,||delta||_2=30.42270278930664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  675 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.46756935119629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.033297307789325714,||delta||_2=30.433303833007812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  677 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0889970138669014,||delta||_2=30.51936149597168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.62300682067871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  679 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2099025398492813,||delta||_2=30.50126838684082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02725292183458805,||delta||_2=30.685588836669922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  681 L0:  103
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.764263153076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04602993279695511,||delta||_2=30.723651885986328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  683 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1345510631799698,||delta||_2=30.717424392700195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.982545852661133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  685 L0:   99
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.873014450073242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.14269043505191803,||delta||_2=30.641071319580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.909893035888672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  688 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.812664031982422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=30.765151977539062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07394970208406448,||delta||_2=30.677509307861328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0375518873333931,||delta||_2=30.743610382080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.011274585500359535,||delta||_2=30.795289993286133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6562519073486328,||delta||_2=30.519641876220703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.271472930908203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.23196029663086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.183385848999023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.005815157666802406,||delta||_2=31.127944946289062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2757887840270996,||delta||_2=30.84781265258789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2786877155303955,||delta||_2=31.100570678710938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3617933988571167,||delta||_2=31.19379425048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12333560734987259,||delta||_2=31.89735221862793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.20278610289096832,||delta||_2=31.522397994995117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3141835927963257,||delta||_2=31.327312469482422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.411063551902771,||delta||_2=31.926715850830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04514003545045853,||delta||_2=31.615745544433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4325847625732422,||delta||_2=30.74899673461914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=31.140932083129883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.082764632999897,||delta||_2=30.91070556640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.730724573135376,||delta||_2=30.75050163269043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.011489400640130043,||delta||_2=30.94040870666504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.01153779961168766,||delta||_2=30.899669647216797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.43252575397491455,||delta||_2=30.456985473632812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6533064842224121,||delta||_2=30.12779426574707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5531120300292969,||delta||_2=29.896377563476562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8706048727035522,||delta||_2=30.55076789855957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5558948516845703,||delta||_2=31.51761245727539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=32.45492935180664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=32.43157958984375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.412412166595459,||delta||_2=31.99659538269043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.41404402256011963,||delta||_2=32.29066467285156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2153387069702148,||delta||_2=32.298095703125
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.3332115411758423,||delta||_2=32.96472930908203
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.26903772354125977,||delta||_2=33.377803802490234
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.27702760696411133,||delta||_2=33.36709213256836
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.25918078422546387,||delta||_2=33.424922943115234
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.2588348388671875,||delta||_2=33.414955139160156
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.259091854095459,||delta||_2=33.435523986816406
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.25808072090148926,||delta||_2=33.41799545288086
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.2598536014556885,||delta||_2=33.41558837890625
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.2606980800628662,||delta||_2=33.417686462402344
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=63

Attack iteration 16
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=30.929927825927734,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688777923583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    6 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688776016235352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688775062561035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   18 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688773155212402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688769340515137
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68876838684082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688766479492188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   42 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688763618469238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  278
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688762664794922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   54 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688761711120605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688758850097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   66 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68875789642334
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688753128051758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   78 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688751220703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688751220703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688749313354492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68874740600586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  102 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688745498657227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68874454498291
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  114 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688742637634277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688739776611328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  126 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688737869262695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688737869262695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  138 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688735961914062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688732147216797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688730239868164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688729286193848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  162 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688726425170898
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688725471496582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  174 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688724517822266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688721656799316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  186 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688718795776367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688718795776367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  198 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688715934753418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688714027404785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688712120056152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68871021270752
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  222 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688709259033203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68870735168457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  234 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688705444335938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688702583312988
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  246 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688701629638672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688699722290039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  258 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68869686126709
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688695907592773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688692092895508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  279
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688691139221191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  282 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688688278198242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68868637084961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  294 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688685417175293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688684463500977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  306 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688681602478027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688679695129395
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  318 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688676834106445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688676834106445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688676834106445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68867301940918
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  342 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688671112060547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688669204711914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  354 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688667297363281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688665390014648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  366 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688663482666016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688661575317383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  378 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688660621643066
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.6886568069458
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.6886568069458
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688653945922852
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  402 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688655853271484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688651084899902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  414 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688650131225586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688648223876953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  426 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68864631652832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688642501831055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  438 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688640594482422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688638687133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688636779785156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688634872436523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  462 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688633918762207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688632011413574
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  474 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688630104064941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688627243041992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  486 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68862533569336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688623428344727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  498 L0:  281
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68862247467041
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  280
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688619613647461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  274
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688617706298828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  269
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688616752624512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  264
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68861198425293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  259
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688610076904297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  254
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688607215881348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  249
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688603401184082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  244
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688597679138184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  239
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.68858814239502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  234
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688576698303223
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  229
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.688544273376465
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  224
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0038713309913873672,||delta||_2=13.68841552734375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.550743103027344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.550606727600098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.550366401672363
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.550178527832031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.549899101257324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.549295425415039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.548287391662598
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.547252655029297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.002628067508339882,||delta||_2=13.545433044433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.01006300188601017,||delta||_2=13.609474182128906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.554522514343262
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.55225944519043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.549698829650879
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.007245639339089394,||delta||_2=13.544694900512695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.619619369506836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.00020364858210086823,||delta||_2=13.614397048950195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.634147644042969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=7.549300789833069e-06,||delta||_2=13.6142578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.011645862832665443,||delta||_2=13.596246719360352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.667806625366211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=13.645483016967773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09394664317369461,||delta||_2=13.613052368164062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06008029729127884,||delta||_2=13.773748397827148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13711051642894745,||delta||_2=13.687932968139648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.043530650436878204,||delta||_2=13.9193115234375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15977312624454498,||delta||_2=13.898880004882812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1751563549041748,||delta||_2=13.973280906677246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1968674212694168,||delta||_2=13.977581024169922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08080286532640457,||delta||_2=14.277862548828125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.035380370914936066,||delta||_2=14.359884262084961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.517099380493164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.491214752197266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.465128898620605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02932090498507023,||delta||_2=14.448444366455078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.58871841430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.017359057441353798,||delta||_2=14.56893253326416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.65496826171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.636517524719238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.60483169555664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.572867393493652
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03222829848527908,||delta||_2=14.543702125549316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06787506490945816,||delta||_2=14.524242401123047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.015657315030694008,||delta||_2=14.576171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0010917279869318008,||delta||_2=14.585365295410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.583565711975098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.016568252816796303,||delta||_2=14.547935485839844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.013558456674218178,||delta||_2=14.631656646728516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0269858930259943,||delta||_2=14.692743301391602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.765186309814453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4418034553527832,||delta||_2=14.50900936126709
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.180022239685059
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2767217755317688,||delta||_2=14.941557884216309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.47130298614502
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.439176559448242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.01681048609316349,||delta||_2=15.389534950256348
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03600216656923294,||delta||_2=15.554576873779297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.19770754873752594,||delta||_2=15.367095947265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.536893844604492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.08278108388185501,||delta||_2=15.406167984008789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04985726624727249,||delta||_2=15.559477806091309
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11268658190965652,||delta||_2=15.605602264404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.672494888305664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.031921930611133575,||delta||_2=15.593278884887695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.45588910579681396,||delta||_2=15.576394081115723
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.010295936837792397,||delta||_2=15.995139122009277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09210372716188431,||delta||_2=15.849252700805664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3078807592391968,||delta||_2=15.726012229919434
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.41637206077575684,||delta||_2=16.031055450439453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5585283041000366,||delta||_2=16.449554443359375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3442561626434326,||delta||_2=16.807615280151367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=17.23320960998535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5742778778076172,||delta||_2=17.03688621520996
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06432957202196121,||delta||_2=17.1982421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7999793887138367,||delta||_2=17.071346282958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.49320733547210693,||delta||_2=18.199703216552734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.47306108474731445,||delta||_2=19.232624053955078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.578561544418335,||delta||_2=19.163654327392578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3205927014350891,||delta||_2=19.89564323425293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6824874877929688,||delta||_2=19.87544822692871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0656514167785645,||delta||_2=20.443849563598633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7453511357307434,||delta||_2=20.52396011352539
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.23519708216190338,||delta||_2=21.509841918945312
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.22003884613513947,||delta||_2=21.467853546142578
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.2205994874238968,||delta||_2=21.414222717285156
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.22007788717746735,||delta||_2=21.429378509521484
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.2247043401002884,||delta||_2=21.42564582824707
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.21207959949970245,||delta||_2=21.446088790893555
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.2282130867242813,||delta||_2=21.43866729736328
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.21766765415668488,||delta||_2=21.41864013671875
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.22172166407108307,||delta||_2=21.435951232910156
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=44

Attack iteration 17
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=41.89585876464844,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353275299072266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353271484375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353260040283203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353252410888672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35324478149414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35323715209961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353233337402344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353221893310547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353214263916016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353206634521484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35319709777832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353187561035156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353181838989258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353174209594727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353166580200195
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353160858154297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353151321411133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35314178466797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353134155273438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353130340576172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353118896484375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353111267089844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353103637695312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353092193603516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35308837890625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353078842163086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353073120117188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353063583374023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35305404663086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353046417236328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353038787841797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  215
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353031158447266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353023529052734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353015899658203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.353008270263672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35300064086914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352991104125977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352983474731445
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35297393798828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35296630859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  216
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35296058654785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352951049804688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352943420410156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352935791015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352928161621094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352920532226562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35291290283203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352903366088867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35289764404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352886199951172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35287857055664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35287094116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352863311767578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352855682373047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352848052978516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352840423583984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352832794189453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35282325744629
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  217
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35281753540039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  218
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352807998657227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352800369262695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352792739868164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352783203125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35277557373047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35276985168457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352760314941406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352752685546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352745056152344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352737426757812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35272979736328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35272216796875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352712631225586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352706909179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352697372436523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352689743041992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352680206298828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35267448425293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352664947509766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352657318115234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  220
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352649688720703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35264015197754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  221
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352632522583008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352624893188477
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352615356445312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352611541748047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35260009765625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352596282958984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352588653564453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352577209472656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352571487426758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352563858032227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352554321289062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35254669189453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.3525390625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35253143310547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352521896362305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352516174316406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35250473022461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352497100830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352489471435547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35248374938965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  222
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352476119995117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352466583251953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352455139160156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352449417114258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352441787719727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352432250976562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35242462158203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.3524169921875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.3524112701416
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352401733398438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352392196655273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  223
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352386474609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  219
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352378845214844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  214
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352371215820312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35236358642578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352352142333984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352346420288086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352338790893555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352327346801758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35232162475586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352310180664062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.3523006439209
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352291107177734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352279663085938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35226821899414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352256774902344
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352237701416016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352209091186523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352170944213867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.35213279724121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.352100372314453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0009131524711847305,||delta||_2=23.35206413269043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.340688705444336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0003819558769464493,||delta||_2=23.340625762939453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.455547332763672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.45203971862793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.427988052368164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.004745492711663246,||delta||_2=23.402992248535156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16750623285770416,||delta||_2=23.351696014404297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09632111340761185,||delta||_2=23.54553985595703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07354522496461868,||delta||_2=23.578935623168945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.654327392578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.017061958089470863,||delta||_2=23.556468963623047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05401922017335892,||delta||_2=23.527164459228516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.022273311391472816,||delta||_2=23.618661880493164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.738574981689453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.725482940673828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.666397094726562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.014247426763176918,||delta||_2=23.639535903930664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.46877598762512207,||delta||_2=23.35367774963379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.657440185546875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.633747100830078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.608318328857422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.576610565185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.53413963317871
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1110992506146431,||delta||_2=23.379409790039062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1235356405377388,||delta||_2=23.540254592895508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.19298459589481354,||delta||_2=23.622257232666016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10118461400270462,||delta||_2=23.862468719482422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.18382026255130768,||delta||_2=23.872692108154297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.147735595703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07535768300294876,||delta||_2=24.00992202758789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.013588199391961098,||delta||_2=23.927650451660156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09002257138490677,||delta||_2=23.938331604003906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09821654111146927,||delta||_2=23.887290954589844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.985279083251953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.930400848388672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5050187110900879,||delta||_2=23.39107894897461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.209800720214844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07125020772218704,||delta||_2=24.096370697021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.025071391835808754,||delta||_2=24.127967834472656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1909731775522232,||delta||_2=23.956581115722656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.169696807861328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=24.084381103515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.995391845703125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.905563354492188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.814502716064453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16204001009464264,||delta||_2=23.694171905517578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06733537465333939,||delta||_2=23.799497604370117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.842838287353516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.004557142034173012,||delta||_2=23.732175827026367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04055572301149368,||delta||_2=23.760276794433594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=23.644681930541992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5097609758377075,||delta||_2=23.340328216552734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=3.1271350383758545,||delta||_2=22.59749984741211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.021044859662652016,||delta||_2=26.32451629638672
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=26.422775268554688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0709233358502388,||delta||_2=26.353912353515625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.6799758672714233,||delta||_2=25.885311126708984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0374433994293213,||delta||_2=25.014657974243164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.1059768199920654,||delta||_2=25.29034996032715
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.5770072937011719,||delta||_2=26.68648338317871
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.5560214519500732,||delta||_2=26.74441146850586
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.5529990196228027,||delta||_2=26.766357421875
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.5514538288116455,||delta||_2=26.760478973388672
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.5508818626403809,||delta||_2=26.765460968017578
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.5509216785430908,||delta||_2=26.757282257080078
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.5510129928588867,||delta||_2=26.74883270263672
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.5518190860748291,||delta||_2=26.748939514160156
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.5514123439788818,||delta||_2=26.76203155517578
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=45

Attack iteration 18
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=28.625642776489258,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282752990722656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    5 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282751083374023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   10 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282747268676758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   15 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282745361328125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282743453979492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   25 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282740592956543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   30 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282737731933594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   35 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282735824584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282736778259277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   45 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282732963562012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   50 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282730102539062
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   55 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28272819519043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282726287841797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   65 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282724380493164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   70 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282721519470215
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   75 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282719612121582
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282716751098633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   85 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282716751098633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   90 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282712936401367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   95 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282711029052734
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282709121704102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  105 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282707214355469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  110 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282703399658203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  115 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28270149230957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282699584960938
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  125 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282696723937988
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  130 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282693862915039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  135 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282691955566406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282690048217773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  145 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282687187194824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  150 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282685279846191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  155 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282684326171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282682418823242
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  165 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28267765045166
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  170 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28267765045166
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  175 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282675743103027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282672882080078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  185 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282670021057129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  190 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282668113708496
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  195 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282665252685547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282663345336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  205 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282663345336914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  210 L0:  209
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282659530639648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  215 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282655715942383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28265380859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  225 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282651901245117
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  230 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2826509475708
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  235 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282647132873535
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282646179199219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  245 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282644271850586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  250 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282641410827637
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  255 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282638549804688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282636642456055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  265 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282633781433105
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  270 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282632827758789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  275 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282631874084473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282629013061523
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  285 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282626152038574
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  290 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282624244689941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  295 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282621383666992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28261947631836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  305 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282617568969727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  310 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282614707946777
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  315 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282611846923828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282611846923828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  325 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282608032226562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  330 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282605171203613
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  335 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28260326385498
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282602310180664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  345 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282599449157715
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  350 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282598495483398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  355 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282594680786133
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2825927734375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  365 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282590866088867
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  370 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282587051391602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  375 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282585144042969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282583236694336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  385 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282583236694336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  390 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28257942199707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  395 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282577514648438
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282574653625488
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  405 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282571792602539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  410 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282569885253906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  415 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282567977905273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28256607055664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  425 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282565116882324
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  430 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282562255859375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  435 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282560348510742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28255844116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  445 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282554626464844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  450 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282552719116211
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  455 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282550811767578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282548904418945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  465 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28254508972168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  470 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28254508972168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  475 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282541275024414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282539367675781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  485 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282536506652832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  490 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282535552978516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  495 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2825345993042
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282532691955566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  505 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.2825288772583
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  510 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282526016235352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  515 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282524108886719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282524108886719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  525 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.28252124786377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  530 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282517433166504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  535 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282516479492188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282513618469238
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  545 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282510757446289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  550 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282508850097656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  555 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282506942749023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282506942749023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  565 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282503128051758
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  570 L0:  210
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282499313354492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  575 L0:  208
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282491683959961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  204
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282462120056152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  585 L0:  199
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282255172729492
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  590 L0:  194
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.282100677490234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  595 L0:  189
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.012293586507439613,||delta||_2=14.281954765319824
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  184
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.384577751159668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  605 L0:  179
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.384298324584961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  610 L0:  174
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0007305238395929337,||delta||_2=14.383235931396484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  614 L0:  170
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.444554328918457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  618 L0:  166
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.440916061401367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  622 L0:  162
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.436981201171875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  626 L0:  158
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.430330276489258
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  630 L0:  154
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.414945602416992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  634 L0:  150
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.383207321166992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  638 L0:  146
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.365525245666504
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  642 L0:  142
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.336442947387695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  646 L0:  138
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.307897567749023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  650 L0:  134
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.247493743896484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  654 L0:  130
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.1766081005334854,||delta||_2=14.168301582336426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  658 L0:  126
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.26488351821899414,||delta||_2=14.191442489624023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  662 L0:  122
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22212578356266022,||delta||_2=14.559738159179688
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  120
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.045116908848285675,||delta||_2=14.651875495910645
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  666 L0:  118
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.785737991333008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  667 L0:  117
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.773460388183594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  116
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.75421142578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  669 L0:  115
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.740349769592285
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  670 L0:  114
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.714282035827637
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  671 L0:  113
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.69863510131836
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  112
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.671699523925781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  673 L0:  111
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.640661239624023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  674 L0:  110
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.005631694570183754,||delta||_2=14.567005157470703
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  675 L0:  109
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.64607048034668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  108
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.62437629699707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  677 L0:  107
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.602555274963379
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  678 L0:  106
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.571125984191895
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  679 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.543684005737305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.504631042480469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  681 L0:  103
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.46384048461914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  682 L0:  102
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.430509567260742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  683 L0:  101
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.023111829534173012,||delta||_2=14.396836280822754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.033458955585956573,||delta||_2=14.531120300292969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  685 L0:   99
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22648049890995026,||delta||_2=14.591365814208984
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  686 L0:   98
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.929332733154297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.895479202270508
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  688 L0:   96
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.861930847167969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  689 L0:   95
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.831534385681152
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03041578270494938,||delta||_2=14.765327453613281
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  691 L0:   93
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04872990399599075,||delta||_2=14.840524673461914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  692 L0:   92
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.97177505493164
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.941096305847168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  694 L0:   90
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.84602165222168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  695 L0:   89
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.815374374389648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.778241157531738
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  697 L0:   87
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.26659131050109863,||delta||_2=14.666828155517578
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  698 L0:   86
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.049581527709961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.001840591430664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  700 L0:   84
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.95157241821289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  701 L0:   83
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.12605787813663483,||delta||_2=14.877199172973633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.05197764188051224,||delta||_2=15.007390022277832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  703 L0:   81
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.144810676574707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  704 L0:   80
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.094963073730469
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.042362213134766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  706 L0:   78
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=14.980076789855957
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  707 L0:   77
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.22365380823612213,||delta||_2=14.877358436584473
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02186323143541813,||delta||_2=15.194498062133789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  709 L0:   75
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.305614471435547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  710 L0:   74
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.247397422790527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06275821477174759,||delta||_2=15.102250099182129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  712 L0:   72
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.25678825378418
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  713 L0:   71
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10808182507753372,||delta||_2=15.180685043334961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.264627456665039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  715 L0:   69
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.11123848706483841,||delta||_2=15.191137313842773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  716 L0:   68
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.454029083251953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.3637056350708
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  718 L0:   66
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4398050308227539,||delta||_2=15.271637916564941
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  719 L0:   65
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.785054206848145
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=15.690467834472656
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  721 L0:   63
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.09608794003725052,||delta||_2=15.588709831237793
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  722 L0:   62
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2777268886566162,||delta||_2=15.694853782653809
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4226416349411011,||delta||_2=15.977049827575684
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  724 L0:   60
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.32085609436035
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  725 L0:   59
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.224897384643555
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.21788527071475983,||delta||_2=15.91724967956543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.209455490112305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=16.077739715576172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.33385753631591797,||delta||_2=15.806617736816406
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.002568015828728676,||delta||_2=16.31536102294922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.049711473286151886,||delta||_2=16.253826141357422
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.07007241994142532,||delta||_2=16.25922203063965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.10768056660890579,||delta||_2=16.26402473449707
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.2643898725509644,||delta||_2=16.17391014099121
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.0717418193817139,||delta||_2=17.283519744873047
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.048552997410297394,||delta||_2=18.735904693603516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7735912799835205,||delta||_2=18.37078857421875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.14957286417484283,||delta||_2=19.46400260925293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.23334909975528717,||delta||_2=19.48883819580078
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.222123146057129,||delta||_2=19.365741729736328
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=21.244571685791016
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6750760078430176,||delta||_2=20.74843406677246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.2903220653533936,||delta||_2=21.36368179321289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13830138742923737,||delta||_2=24.946258544921875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.90425181388855,||delta||_2=24.429271697998047
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.8383457660675049,||delta||_2=25.74417495727539
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.8194904327392578,||delta||_2=25.82648277282715
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.810826301574707,||delta||_2=25.869619369506836
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.8072161674499512,||delta||_2=25.902992248535156
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.8063673973083496,||delta||_2=25.906776428222656
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.8041244745254517,||delta||_2=25.917407989501953
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.8051306009292603,||delta||_2=25.907367706298828
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.8044230937957764,||delta||_2=25.92764663696289
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.8069361448287964,||delta||_2=25.916797637939453
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=39

Attack iteration 19
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=36.29806137084961,||delta||_2=0.0
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    0 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129716873168945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    4 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12971305847168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:    8 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129708290100098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   12 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129703521728516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   16 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129698753356934
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   20 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129693984985352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   24 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12968921661377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   28 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129684448242188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   32 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129679679870605
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   36 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129674911499023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   40 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129669189453125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   44 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12966537475586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   48 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129660606384277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   52 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129656791687012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   56 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12965202331543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   60 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129647254943848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   64 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129642486572266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   68 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129636764526367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   72 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129631996154785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   76 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129627227783203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   80 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129622459411621
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   84 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129617691040039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   88 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129612922668457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   92 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129608154296875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:   96 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129603385925293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  100 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129599571228027
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  104 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129593849182129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  108 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129589080810547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  112 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129583358764648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  116 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129579544067383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  120 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129573822021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  124 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129570007324219
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  128 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12956428527832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  132 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129560470581055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  136 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129554748535156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  140 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129549980163574
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  144 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129545211791992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  148 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129541397094727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  152 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129535675048828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  156 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129530906677246
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  160 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129526138305664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  164 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129520416259766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  168 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.1295166015625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  172 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129510879516602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  176 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129507064819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  180 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12950325012207
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  184 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129497528076172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  188 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129491806030273
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  192 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129487991333008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  196 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129484176635742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  200 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129478454589844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  204 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129472732543945
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  208 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12946891784668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  212 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129463195800781
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  216 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129459381103516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  220 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12945556640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  224 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129449844360352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  228 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129444122314453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  232 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129440307617188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  236 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129436492919922
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  240 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129430770874023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  244 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129425048828125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  248 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12942123413086
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  252 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129415512084961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  256 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129411697387695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  260 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12940788269043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  264 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129403114318848
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  268 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129396438598633
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  272 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12939167022705
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  276 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129387855529785
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  280 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129383087158203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  284 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129377365112305
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  288 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129373550415039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  292 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129368782043457
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  296 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129364013671875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  300 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129358291625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  304 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129354476928711
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  308 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129349708557129
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  312 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129344940185547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  316 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129340171813965
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  320 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129335403442383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  324 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129329681396484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  328 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129323959350586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  332 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129322052001953
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  336 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129316329956055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  340 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129310607910156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  344 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12930679321289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  348 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129301071166992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  352 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129297256469727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  356 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129291534423828
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  360 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129287719726562
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  364 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12928295135498
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  368 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129278182983398
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  372 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.1292724609375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  376 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129268646240234
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  380 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129262924194336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  384 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129258155822754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  388 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129253387451172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  392 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12924861907959
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  396 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129242897033691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  400 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129239082336426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  404 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129234313964844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  408 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129229545593262
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  412 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12922477722168
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  416 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129220008850098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  420 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129213333129883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  424 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129210472106934
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  428 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129205703735352
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  432 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12920093536377
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  436 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129196166992188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  440 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129190444946289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  444 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129186630249023
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  448 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129181861877441
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  452 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12917709350586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  456 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129172325134277
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  460 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129168510437012
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  464 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129162788391113
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  468 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129158020019531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  472 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129154205322266
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  476 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129148483276367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  480 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129144668579102
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  484 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129138946533203
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  488 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129134178161621
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  492 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129129409790039
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  496 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12912368774414
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  500 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129119873046875
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  504 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129114151000977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  508 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129109382629395
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  512 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129104614257812
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  516 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129100799560547
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  520 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129095077514648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  524 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129091262817383
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  528 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.1290864944458
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  532 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129080772399902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  536 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12907600402832
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  540 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129072189331055
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  544 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129066467285156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  548 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12906265258789
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  552 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129055976867676
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  556 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129051208496094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  560 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129046440124512
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  564 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12904167175293
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  568 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129037857055664
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  572 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129032135009766
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  576 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.1290283203125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  580 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129022598266602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  584 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129018783569336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  588 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129014015197754
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  592 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129009246826172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  596 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.129005432128906
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  600 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128999710083008
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  604 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128994941711426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  608 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128990173339844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  612 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128985404968262
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  616 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12898063659668
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  620 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128975868225098
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  624 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128971099853516
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  628 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128966331481934
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  632 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128959655761719
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  636 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128955841064453
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  640 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128952026367188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  644 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128946304321289
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  648 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.12894058227539
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  652 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128936767578125
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  656 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128931999206543
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  660 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128927230834961
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  664 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128923416137695
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  668 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128917694091797
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  672 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128913879394531
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  676 L0:  105
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128907203674316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  680 L0:  104
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128876686096191
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  684 L0:  100
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128814697265625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  687 L0:   97
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.128725051879883
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  690 L0:   94
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0037856195122003555,||delta||_2=9.128362655639648
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  693 L0:   91
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.164897918701172
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  696 L0:   88
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.163607597351074
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  699 L0:   85
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.161931991577148
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  702 L0:   82
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.04033971577882767,||delta||_2=9.1571683883667
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  705 L0:   79
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.246849060058594
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  708 L0:   76
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.234106063842773
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  711 L0:   73
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.225486755371094
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  714 L0:   70
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.202689170837402
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  717 L0:   67
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.16626645624637604,||delta||_2=9.173025131225586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  720 L0:   64
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4006929397583008,||delta||_2=9.210113525390625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  723 L0:   61
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2545499801635742,||delta||_2=9.295502662658691
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  726 L0:   58
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.15353776514530182,||delta||_2=9.415817260742188
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  727 L0:   57
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.525062561035156
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  728 L0:   56
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.49803638458252
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  729 L0:   55
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.06033540517091751,||delta||_2=9.480598449707031
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  730 L0:   54
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.2505626678466797,||delta||_2=9.48727798461914
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  731 L0:   53
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.655850410461426
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  732 L0:   52
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5469217300415039,||delta||_2=9.567703247070312
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  733 L0:   51
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.832653045654297
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  734 L0:   50
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.742788314819336
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  735 L0:   49
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.13764072954654694,||delta||_2=9.697996139526367
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  736 L0:   48
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.689079284667969
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  737 L0:   47
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.7561616897583008,||delta||_2=9.527795791625977
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  738 L0:   46
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.03256107121706009,||delta||_2=9.883480072021484
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  739 L0:   45
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0654006078839302,||delta||_2=9.930780410766602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  740 L0:   44
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.796747207641602
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  741 L0:   43
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9466545581817627,||delta||_2=9.641947746276855
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  742 L0:   42
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.97927474975586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  743 L0:   41
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=9.939355850219727
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  744 L0:   40
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.841083288192749,||delta||_2=9.754484176635742
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  745 L0:   39
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.32155990600586
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  746 L0:   38
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.29659533500671387,||delta||_2=10.106202125549316
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  747 L0:   37
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.215660095214844
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  748 L0:   36
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.28221774101257324,||delta||_2=10.088011741638184
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  749 L0:   35
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.3958871364593506,||delta||_2=10.128012657165527
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  750 L0:   34
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.6214945316314697,||delta||_2=10.25801944732666
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  751 L0:   33
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0,||delta||_2=10.532793998718262
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  752 L0:   32
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.27555227279663086,||delta||_2=10.2431640625
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  753 L0:   31
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.8750133514404297,||delta||_2=10.01661491394043
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  754 L0:   30
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.9019193649291992,||delta||_2=9.980737686157227
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  755 L0:   29
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=1.5106096267700195,||delta||_2=10.153983116149902
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  756 L0:   28
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.02156568504869938,||delta||_2=11.237211227416992
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  757 L0:   27
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.5945162773132324,||delta||_2=10.893372535705566
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  758 L0:   26
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.0622108057141304,||delta||_2=10.86601448059082
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  759 L0:   25
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4497568607330322,||delta||_2=10.677877426147461
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  760 L0:   24
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=0.4280545711517334,||delta||_2=10.6634521484375
  --> Find a modifier satisfing f(x*)<0
 Forced equal:  761 L0:   23
 Const=10, iter=0,f(x+delta)=2.826948404312134,||delta||_2=10.53791618347168
 Const=10, iter=1000,f(x+delta)=0.07758856564760208,||delta||_2=12.808445930480957
 Const=10, iter=2000,f(x+delta)=0.037134893238544464,||delta||_2=12.877901077270508
 Const=10, iter=3000,f(x+delta)=0.028698930516839027,||delta||_2=12.893113136291504
 Const=10, iter=4000,f(x+delta)=0.026079902425408363,||delta||_2=12.885627746582031
 Const=10, iter=5000,f(x+delta)=0.024174222722649574,||delta||_2=12.888930320739746
 Const=10, iter=6000,f(x+delta)=0.023200759664177895,||delta||_2=12.891410827636719
 Const=10, iter=7000,f(x+delta)=0.02301670052111149,||delta||_2=12.890207290649414
 Const=10, iter=8000,f(x+delta)=0.02322269417345524,||delta||_2=12.890564918518066
 Const=10, iter=9000,f(x+delta)=0.023038635030388832,||delta||_2=12.89035415649414
Const 20.0
Final answer: L0=23

Summarize the adversarial image results

In [11]:
y_pred     = model_keras.predict(x_test_subset + 0.5)
y_pred_adv = model_keras.predict(adv_img + 0.5)


Remind you that the target class is original class + 1.

In [12]:
def _summary(im,aim):
    # this 0.0001 upper bound is selected in Carlini's script
    sameTF = np.all(np.abs(im-aim)<.0001,axis=2)
    Nimage_same = np.sum(sameTF)
    L0 = np.sum(~sameTF)
    L0prop = (1-np.mean(sameTF))*100
    return("N same pixel = {}\nL0={} ({:3.1f}%)".format(Nimage_same,L0,L0prop))

def _print_probability(vec):
    top5_class = np.argsort(-vec)[:5]
    for label, prob in zip(top5_class,vec[top5_class]):
        print("prob({}) ={:4.3f}".format(label,prob))
In [14]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for idx in range(adv_img.shape[0]):
    vec = y_pred_adv[idx]
    im  = x_test_subset[idx] + 0.5
    aim = adv_img[idx] + 0.5
    print("original image")
    print("adversarial image")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(10,5))
    ax[1].set_title("adversarial image")
original image
prob(7) =1.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(2) =0.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(8) =0.196
prob(5) =0.194
prob(3) =0.194
prob(7) =0.194
prob(9) =0.191
original image
prob(2) =1.000
prob(1) =0.000
prob(0) =0.000
prob(6) =0.000
prob(3) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(3) =0.568
prob(2) =0.430
prob(1) =0.003
prob(7) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
original image
prob(1) =1.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(5) =0.000
prob(6) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(2) =0.248
prob(1) =0.246
prob(3) =0.245
prob(7) =0.197
prob(8) =0.018
original image
prob(0) =1.000
prob(6) =0.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(5) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(1) =0.134
prob(9) =0.133
prob(2) =0.133
prob(0) =0.132
prob(4) =0.122
original image
prob(4) =1.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
prob(6) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(5) =0.466
prob(4) =0.461
prob(1) =0.023
prob(6) =0.015
prob(7) =0.014
original image
prob(1) =1.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(5) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(2) =0.274
prob(7) =0.271
prob(1) =0.271
prob(8) =0.082
prob(3) =0.064
original image
prob(4) =1.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(5) =0.375
prob(4) =0.368
prob(9) =0.233
prob(8) =0.011
prob(1) =0.004
original image
prob(9) =1.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(3) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(0) =0.171
prob(2) =0.167
prob(8) =0.166
prob(9) =0.159
prob(1) =0.069
original image
prob(5) =1.000
prob(6) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(3) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(6) =0.501
prob(5) =0.496
prob(8) =0.002
prob(0) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
original image
prob(9) =1.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(3) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(0) =0.198
prob(7) =0.196
prob(9) =0.195
prob(8) =0.192
prob(3) =0.088
original image
prob(0) =1.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(6) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(2) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(1) =0.213
prob(2) =0.211
prob(5) =0.210
prob(3) =0.209
prob(0) =0.097
original image
prob(6) =1.000
prob(5) =0.000
prob(0) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(4) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(7) =0.183
prob(5) =0.181
prob(0) =0.179
prob(2) =0.132
prob(6) =0.097
original image
prob(9) =1.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(3) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(0) =0.150
prob(9) =0.147
prob(4) =0.145
prob(7) =0.140
prob(2) =0.140
original image
prob(0) =1.000
prob(6) =0.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(1) =0.248
prob(0) =0.245
prob(7) =0.245
prob(5) =0.109
prob(9) =0.056
original image
prob(1) =1.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(5) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(6) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(2) =0.405
prob(1) =0.400
prob(7) =0.181
prob(3) =0.008
prob(4) =0.003
original image
prob(5) =1.000
prob(3) =0.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(6) =0.214
prob(5) =0.211
prob(8) =0.208
prob(2) =0.203
prob(3) =0.128
original image
prob(9) =1.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(3) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(0) =0.172
prob(9) =0.171
prob(2) =0.170
prob(3) =0.168
prob(8) =0.137
original image
prob(7) =1.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(4) =0.000
prob(2) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(8) =0.244
prob(3) =0.242
prob(7) =0.239
prob(5) =0.148
prob(2) =0.076
original image
prob(3) =1.000
prob(5) =0.000
prob(8) =0.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(4) =0.254
prob(5) =0.242
prob(9) =0.234
prob(3) =0.192
prob(8) =0.054
original image
prob(4) =1.000
prob(9) =0.000
prob(7) =0.000
prob(1) =0.000
prob(2) =0.000
adversarial image
prob(5) =0.335
prob(7) =0.324
prob(4) =0.310
prob(9) =0.022
prob(3) =0.004

Some observations

  • When $C$ is small, $L_0$ tends to be small, however this trend is not always consistent. See the results below.

Result with $C=4$: c4 Result with $C=8$: c8 Result with $C=10$: c10 Result with $C=1000$: c1000

  • Even if initial_const is increased, the final solution $L_0$ values do not change much. What's important is largest_const
  • Carlini and Wagner's codes require extremely long time for ImageNet trained models.
