In the previous post, titled Extract weights from Keras's LSTM and calcualte hidden and cell states, I discussed LSTM model. In this blog post, I would like to discuss the stateful flag in Keras's recurrent model.
If you google "stateful LSTM" or "stateful RNN", google shows many blog posts discussing and puzzling about this notorious parameter, e.g.:
- Don't use stateful LSTM unless you know what it does
- Simple stateful LSTM example
- Keras - stateful vs stateless LSTMs
- Convert LSTM model from stateless to stateful
I hope to give some understanding of stateful prediction through this blog.
Stateful flag is Keras¶
All the RNN or LSTM models are stateful in theory. These models are meant to remember the entire sequence for prediction or classification tasks. However, in practice, you need to create a batch to train a model with backprogation algorithm, and the gradient can't backpropagate between batches. This means that if you have a long time series which does not fit into a single batch, you need to divide the time series into multiple sub-time series and each sub time series goes to separate batch. Then LSTM only remember what happened within a batch. At the initial time point of every batch, states are initialized and set to 0. No previous information. This is very unfortunate because RNN or LSTM are introduced to remember all the past history to predict the next time point. Nope, it only remembers what happened within the batch time series length!
Stateful flag in Keras is introduced to circumvent these problems during training, and make the model remember what happened in the previous batch by passing states from the previous batch to the next batch. Also, stateful = True makes a lot of sense during the prediction phase because otherwise the RNN trained with batch time series length $T$ assumes that the hidden states are initialized to zero at every $T$ steps. This means that in order to predict the value at time point $t$, we need to feed foward the network assuming that $h_{t-T}=0$ for $T$ times and in order to predict the value at time point $t+1$, we AGAIN need to feed forward the network for $T$ times assuming that $h_{t-T+1}=0$. This point was discussed greatly in my previous blog.
History of Stateful flag¶
Training with Stateful = True¶
Here, I introduce two nice blogs discussing stateful flag.
Philippe Remy's blog post provided nice introduction to understand the stateful flag of Keras's RNN model. It discusses how to train a model with stateful = True. However, although I like this blog post, it also contributed for the confusion because the example uses
batch_input_shape=(1, 1, 1)
which simply does not work for most of the time series examples even when you train a model with stateful = True. This means that your batch only contains a single time point from a single time series.
Jason Brownlee's blog is another great blog post that gives good stateful examples. Jason says:
"[Stateful = True] is truly how the LSTM networks are intended to be used. We find that by allowing the network itself to learn the dependencies between the characters, that we need a smaller network (half the number of units) and fewer training epochs (almost half)."
As he only try fitting stateful LSTM to a small simple example, I cannot generalize his comment, but it is nice to learn that training with stateful=True works for his example.
In this blog post, I would like to also discuss the training with stateful = True.
Training with Stateful = False and Prediction with Stateful = True.¶
The usefulness of stateful method during the prediction is also discussed. There are lots of discussions online that try to use stateful = True only during the prediction phase:
- "Why anybody would want to have a stateful model during training is beyond me, so this part I can agree with. But during testing, when you want to let the model predict some output on some data, then stateful makes a lot more sense. For example, it might be a part of a larger system that works on video frames. It might be required to perform some action instantly after each frame, instead of waiting for a sufficiently long sequence of video frames before being fed to the network. It would be really nice if you could train the network stateless with a time-depth of X (say 16), and then use those weights on a stateful network with a time-depth of 1 during prediction. In my experience however, this does not work in Keras." -- ahrnbom commented on Sep 19 2017
- "The length of my input sequences is variable and has a quite high variance (from very short sequences to nearly 1000 long sequences). At training time I can just divide the sequences in batches of fixed sizes but at test time it would be useful to feed the whole sequence and possibly get prediction at every time step.Is it possible to train the model in stateless mode feeding fixed length sequences and then make predictions in a stateful fashion? Does this even make sense or am I missing something?"--fedebecat commented on Mar 11 2017
I was also fascinated with these ideas. In fact, writing scripts for stateful training is a bit cumbersome because you have to reset sequence by yourself. However, after what I have seen in my previous post titled Understand Keras's RNN behind the scenes with a sin wave example - Stateful and Stateless prediction -, I am very skeptical about this. Remember, stateful prediction and stateless prediction returns different results when model is trained stateless! And it was such a simple data (sin wave).
Therefore, in this blog post, I will train model in stateful setting and show how the results are different from a model trained in stateless setting.
Reference in this blog¶
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
import keras
import sys, time
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
print("python {}".format(sys.version))
print("keras version {}".format(keras.__version__))
print("tensorflow version {}".format(tf.__version__))
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.95
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = "0"
def set_seed(sd=123):
from numpy.random import seed
from tensorflow import set_random_seed
import random as rn
## numpy random seed
## core python's random number
## tensor flow's random number
I will create a synthetic long time series data just as in Extract weights from Keras's LSTM and calcualte hidden and cell states. But this time, I will make the data more complex by using much larger $D$.
Create synthetic long time series data¶
I will generate a time series $X_{t}$ ($t=1,...,T$) as my independent feature. As the target, or dependent time series, I will create a time series $Y_{t}$ as a function of a single time series $\{ X_{k} \}_{k=1}^t$.
Given integers $D$ and $T$, the time series $X_{t}$ an $Y_t$ are generated as:
$$ C \sim \textrm{Multinomial}(5,6,...,99)\\ U \sim \textrm{Unif}([0,1])\\ X_{t} = -\frac{t}{T}U\left[ \textrm{Cos}\left(\frac{t}{1+C}\right) \right]\\ Y_{t} = X_{t-2} X_{t-\textrm{D}} \textrm{ for t > D else } Y_t = 0 $$
We consider a long time series $T = 1,000$.
The parameter $D$ determines the time lag. The larger $D$ is, the longer it takes for the $Y_{t}$ to show the effect of $X_{t}$, and the longer memory that the deep learning model needs to remember. For this exercise, I will consider $D=100$, and generate 1,000 sets of time series, independently.
Generate training data¶
def random_sample(len_ts=3000,D=1001):
c_range = range(5,100)
c1 = np.random.choice(c_range)
u = np.random.random(1)
const = -1.0/len_ts
ts = np.arange(0,len_ts)
x1 = np.cos(ts/float(1.0 + c1))
x1 = x1*ts*u*const
y1 = np.zeros(len_ts)
for t in range(D,len_ts):
## the output time series depend on input as follows:
y1[t] = x1[t-2]*x1[t-D]
y = np.array([y1]).T
X = np.array([x1]).T
return y, X
def generate_data(D= 1001,Nsequence = 1000,T=4000, seed=123):
X_train = []
y_train = []
for isequence in range(Nsequence):
y, X = random_sample(T,D=D)
return np.array(X_train),np.array(y_train)
D = 100
T = 1000
X, y = generate_data(D=D,T=T,Nsequence = 1000)
print(X.shape, y.shape)
Plot examples of the generated time series¶
Notice that in every time series, the later 500 seconds are more variable.
def plot_examples(X,y,ypreds=None,nm_ypreds=None):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,10))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.32,wspace = 0.15)
count = 1
n_ts = 16
for irow in range(n_ts):
ax = fig.add_subplot(n_ts/4,4,count)
ax.plot(y[irow,:,:],label="y",linewidth=3,alpha = 0.5)
ax.set_title("{:}th time series sample".format(irow))
if ypreds is not None:
for ypred,nm in zip(ypreds,nm_ypreds):
count += 1
if ypreds is not None:
for y_pred, nm_ypred in zip(ypreds,nm_ypreds):
loss = np.mean( (y_pred[:,D:,:].flatten() - y[:,D:,:].flatten())**2)
print("The final validation loss of {} is {:7.6f}".format(
Split between training and testing¶
Define weights just like Extract weights from Keras's LSTM and calcualte hidden and cell states.
prop_train = 0.8
ntrain = int(X.shape[0]*prop_train)
w = np.zeros(y.shape[:2])
w[:,D:] = 1
w_train = w
X_train, X_val = X[:ntrain], X[ntrain:]
y_train, y_val = y[:ntrain], y[ntrain:]
w_train, w_val = w[:ntrain], w[ntrain:]
Define LSTM model (stateful and stateless)¶
Now I define stateful LSTM model.
from keras import models, layers
def define_model(len_ts,
hidden_neurons = 10,
in_out_neurons = 1
inp = layers.Input(batch_shape= (batch_size, len_ts, nfeature),
rnn = layers.LSTM(hidden_neurons,
dens = layers.TimeDistributed(layers.Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense"))(rnn)
model = models.Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens])
Stateless model as a reference¶
Define a model. In the Extract weights from Keras's LSTM and calcualte hidden and cell states, the number of hidden units was as less as 3. However, this time, the dependencies between $Y_t$ and $X_t$ are more complex because of the magnitude of $D$. The LSTM model needs to remember longer history of $X_t$.
hunits = 64
model_stateless, _ = define_model(
hidden_neurons = hunits,
len_ts = X_train.shape[1])
Model training¶
start = time.time()
history =,y_train,
end = time.time()
print("Time Took :{:3.2f} min".format( (end-start)/60 ))
Validation and training loss¶
for label in ["loss","val_loss"]:
Generate testing data¶
X_test, y_test = generate_data(D=D,T=T,Nsequence = 5000)
y_pred_stateless = model_stateless.predict(X_test)
plot_examples(X_test,y_test,ypreds=[y_pred_stateless],nm_ypreds=["y_pred stateless"])
Stateful Model Training¶
The stateful model gives flexibility of resetting states so you can pass states from batch to batch. However, as a consequence, stateful model requires some book keeping during the training: a set of original time series needs to be trained in the sequential manner and you need to specify when the batch with new sequence starts.
For example, consider the scenario:
- batch_size = 250,
- time_series_length_in_batch = 500.
Then the original 250 time series of length 1,000 sec are divided into two groups: the first 500 sec of all the 250 time series goes to batch 1 and the remaining 500 sec of all the 250 time series goes to the batch 2. Batch 3 will contain the first 500 sec of the next 250 time series and the remaining 500 sec goes to the batch 4. As batch 2 contains the continuation of time series in batch 1, states at the 500th time point from batch 1 needs to be passed to the states in batch 2. On the other hand, batch 3 contains completely new time series so states should not be passed from batch 2 to batch 3.
[batch 1]--> pass states --> [batch 2] --> reset states
[batch 3]--> pass states --> [batch 4] --> reset states
[batch 5]--> pass states --> [batch 6] --> reset states
[batch 7]--> pass states --> [batch 8] --> reset states
In this formulation, the random batch creation has some constraint: sub time series in batch 2 cannot be trained with sub time series in batch 1. And batch 1 needs to be trained before batch 3.
The following class define the methods for training procedure. (Note that this training script save the weights at every back propagation for the sake of algorithm convergence analysis.)
class statefulModel(object):
def __init__(self,model,print_val_every = 500):
model must be stateful keras model object
batch_input_shape must be specified
bis = model.layers[0].get_config()["batch_input_shape"]
self.batch_size = bis[0]
self.ts = bis[1]
self.Nfeat = bis[2]
self.model = model
self.print_val_every = print_val_every
def get_mse(self,true,est,w=None):
calculate MSE for weights == 1
if w is None:
w = np.zeros(true.shape)
w[:] = 1
ytrue = true[w==1].flatten()
yest = est[w==1].flatten()
SSE = np.sum((ytrue-yest)**2)
N = np.sum(w==1)
return MSE, (SSE,N)
def X_val_shape_adj(self,X,X_val_orig,y_val_orig,w_val_orig):
Make the dimension of X_val the same as the dimension of X
by adding zeros.
It is assumed that:
X_val.shape[i] < X.shape[i]
i = 0, 1, 2
X_val = np.zeros(X.shape)
X_val[:X_val_orig.shape[0]] = X_val_orig
myshape = list(y_val_orig.shape)
myshape[0] = X.shape[0]
y_val = np.zeros(myshape)
y_val[:y_val_orig.shape[0]] = y_val_orig
myshape = list(w_val_orig.shape)
myshape[0] = X.shape[0]
w_val = np.zeros(myshape)
w_val[:w_val_orig.shape[0]] = w_val_orig
return X_val,y_val,w_val
def train1epoch(self,X,y,w,epoch=None):
devide the training set of time series into batches.
print " Training.."
batch_index = np.arange(X.shape[0])
## shuffle to create batch containing different time series
count = 1
for ibatch in range(self.batch_size,
print " Batch {:02d}".format(count)
pick = batch_index[(ibatch-self.batch_size):ibatch]
if len(pick) < self.batch_size:
X_batch = X[pick]
y_batch = y[pick]
w_batch = w[pick]
count += 1
def fit_across_time(self,X,y,w,epoch=None,ibatch=None):
training for the given set of time series
It always starts at the time point 0 so we need to reset states to zero.
for itime in range(self.ts,X.shape[1]+1,self.ts):
## extract sub time series
Xtime = X[:,itime-self.ts:itime,:]
ytime = y[:,itime-self.ts:itime,:]
wtime = w[:,itime-self.ts:itime]
if np.all(wtime == 0):
val =,ytime,
## no shuffling across rows (i.e. time series)
## use all the samples in one epoch
if itime % self.print_val_every == 0:
print " {start:4d}:{end:4d} loss={val:.3f}".format(
start=itime-self.ts, end=itime, val=val.history["loss"][0])
## uncomment below if you do not want to save weights for every epoch every batch and every time
if epoch is not None:
def validate1epoch(self,X_val_adj,y_val_adj,w_val_adj):
batch_index = np.arange(X_val_adj.shape[0])
print " Validating.."
val_loss = 0
count = 1
for ibatch in range(self.batch_size,
pick = batch_index[(ibatch-self.batch_size):ibatch]
if len(pick) < self.batch_size:
X_val_adj_batch = X_val_adj[pick]
y_val_adj_batch = y_val_adj[pick]
w_val_adj_batch = w_val_adj[pick]
if np.all(w_val_adj_batch==0):
print " Batch {}".format(count)
SSE,N = self.validate_across_time(
val_loss += SSE
count += N
val_loss /=count
return val_loss
def validate_across_time(self,X_val_adj,y_val_adj,w_val_adj):
y_pred_adj = np.zeros(y_val_adj.shape)
y_pred_adj[:] = np.NaN
for itime in range(self.ts,
y_pred_adj[:,itime-self.ts:itime,:] = self.model.predict(
loss,_ = self.get_mse(y_pred_adj[:,itime-self.ts:itime,:],
if itime % self.print_val_every == 0:
print " {start:4d}:{end:4d} val_loss={a:.3f}".format(
## comment out the lines below if you do not want to see the trajectory plots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,2))
nplot = 3
for i in range(nplot):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,nplot,i+1)
_, (SSE,N) = self.get_mse(y_pred_adj[:,:itime,:],
return SSE,N
def fit(self,
X_val_adj,y_val_adj,w_val_adj = self.X_val_shape_adj(
past_val_loss = np.Inf
history = []
for iepoch in range(Nepoch):
print "__________________________________"
print "Epoch {}".format(iepoch+1)
val_loss = self.validate1epoch(X_val_adj,
print "-----------------> Epoch {iepoch:d} overall valoss={loss:.6f}".format(
## uncomments here if you want to save weights only when the weights resulted in lower validation loss
##if val_loss < past_val_loss:
## print ">>SAVED<<"
## self.model.save_weights("/model.h5")
## past_val_loss = val_loss
print ""
return history
Define a stateful model¶
I consider batch size = 400 just as in the stateless model.
model_stateful, _ = define_model(
hidden_neurons = hunits,
len_ts = 500)
The log shows the training loss and validation loss for the first 500 sec of time series and the next 500 sec of time series for each batch separately. It is clear that the model performance is lower in the last 500 sec in every epoch. This makes sense because the data shows more variability in that region. Three example validation time series are also plotted.
smodel = statefulModel(model=model_stateful,print_val_every=500)
start = time.time()
history_stateful =,y_train,w_train,
end = time.time()
print("Time Took {:3.2f} min".format((end - start)/60))
The validation loss plot, stateful and stateless models¶
The validation loss plot shows that the back propagation algorithm of the stateless model seems less stable.
for label in ["loss","val_loss"]:
plt.plot(histroy.history[label],label=label + " - stateless")
plt.plot(history_stateful,label="val loss - stateful")
Prediction phase¶
For model testing, I want to predict $Y_t$ at every time point, one at a time. Therefore, I re-define a model with batch_size = (1000,1,2).
As I am concerned about the unstable behavior of the back propagation algorithm in the stateful training, I will provide the last 4 training weights obtained during the final epoch.
model_pred1,_ = define_model(len_ts=1,
hidden_neurons = hunits,
model_pred2, _ = define_model(len_ts=1,
hidden_neurons = hunits,
model_pred3, _ = define_model(len_ts=1,
hidden_neurons = hunits,
model_pred4, _ = define_model(len_ts=1,
hidden_neurons = hunits,
## load the final weights
Define the prediction function for the stateful model.
def stateful_prediction(mm,X_test,ntarget=1):
bis = mm.layers[0].get_config()["batch_input_shape"]
batch_size, ts, nfeat = bis
assert(X_test.shape[0] % batch_size == 0)
assert(X_test.shape[1] % ts == 0)
y_pred = np.zeros((X_test.shape[0],
y_pred[:] = np.NaN
for ipat in range(0,X_test.shape[0],batch_size):
for itime in range(0,X_test.shape[1],ts):
X_testi = X_test[ipat:(ipat+batch_size),
itime:(itime+ts),:] = mm.predict(
return y_pred
y_pred_stateful1 = stateful_prediction(mm=model_pred1,X_test=X_test)
y_pred_stateful2 = stateful_prediction(mm=model_pred2,X_test=X_test)
y_pred_stateful3 = stateful_prediction(mm=model_pred3,X_test=X_test)
y_pred_stateful4 = stateful_prediction(mm=model_pred4,X_test=X_test)
Evaluate the model performance on testing data¶
The stateful model outperform stateless twice, and perform much worse once.
nm_ypreds=["ypred stateful1","ypred stateful2","ypred stateful3","ypred stateful4",
"ypred stateless"])
Let's see how the weights are changing over epochs.¶
def get_LSTM_UWb(weight):
weight must be output of LSTM's layer.get_weights()
W: weights for input
U: weights for hidden states
b: bias
warr,uarr, barr = weight
gates = ["i","f","c","o"]
hunit = uarr.shape[0]
U, W, b = {},{},{}
for i1,i2 in enumerate(range(0,len(barr),hunit)):
W[gates[i1]] = warr[:,i2:i2+hunit]
U[gates[i1]] = uarr[:,i2:i2+hunit]
b[gates[i1]] = barr[i2:i2+hunit].reshape(hunit,1)
def get_LSTMweights(model1):
for layer in model1.layers:
if "LSTM" in str(layer):
w = layer.get_weights()
W,U,b = get_LSTM_UWb(w)
return W,U,b
def vectorize_with_labels(W,U,b):
for k in ["i","f","c","o"]:
temp = list(W[k].flatten())
temp = list(U[k].flatten())
temp = list(b[k].flatten())
weight = ws + us + bs
wlabel = ws_label + us_label + bs_label
from copy import copy
import pandas as pd
df = {}
ibatch = 800
for epoch in np.arange(50,100,1):
for itime in [500,1000]:
title = "weights_epoch{:03d}_batch{:01d}_time{:04d}.hdf5".format(epoch,ibatch,itime)
WUb = get_LSTMweights(model_stateful)
weight,wlabel = vectorize_with_labels(*WUb)
df["epoch{:03d} time{:04d}".format(epoch,itime)] = copy(weight)
df = pd.DataFrame(df,
index=[ lab + "_" + str(i) for i, lab in enumerate(wlabel)])
dfT =df.T
Plot the weight change over every back propagation¶
Observation and conclusions:¶
Stateful procedure seems to be working in the sense that it returns comparable results as stateless procedure.
The bias for cell states, forget gate, input gate and output gate seem to be oscillating between the back propagation of the batch with the first 500 sec and the next 500 sec.
This observation again confirms the the unstable convergence of back propagation algorithm.
Stateful training does not allow shuffling between the sub time series of the first 500 sec and the next 500 sec.
This may be causing the back propagation algorithm unstable.
Unless a single time series is too large to fit in to a single batch, I do not recommend to use the stateful training method as stateless model outperforms the stateful model.
unilabel = np.unique(wlabel)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25,105))
count = 1
for weight_type in unilabel:
ax = fig.add_subplot(12,1,count)
nweight = 0
for colnm in dfT.columns:
if weight_type in colnm:
ax.plot(dfT[colnm].values,label=weight_type + "_" + str(count))
ax.set_xticks( range(dfT.shape[0]) )
if nweight > 5:
count += 1